So Thomas Pynchon, divided by Thomas Hardy, divided by the square root of Malcom Lowry, leaves precisely what residium? I've been wondering this for a while. Perhaps the Beijingers best and brightest can get on the case.?! 快快 . !

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:

Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? (unquote)

I got vaxed and woke up the next a.m. as a 6'8" 235 lb. WNBA virtue-signalling power-forward. Call it Kafka with 21st century characteristics. So no, I may be healthy, but I am even less bearable than my aforetime sunny solarian self

I could see what was coming down the line, so at the start of my latest gig, said, in no uncertain terms, I woulnd never receive any vaccination. After a couple phone calls was assured that vaccination would be totally voluntary. Yeah. right. I can still take the gaotie, but for how long, I don't know. Might have to pull a Lao Zi and hit the mountains of Yunnan or thereababouts.

On the down side, failure to vaccinate might mean your being blacklisted from fayre-based festivals. Because herd-mentality is a far far greater desideratum than herd-immunity. My apartment complex recently closed all gates except one so they can screen visitors for not being vaccinated. Safety achieved, it seems, must be celebrated by implementing even more draconian measures. (Why does the hoary old locution "Sodoms-Afflinge" start rattling round in my recall this darkling eve?)

So I decided to step down to this fayre-based festifval. It was a fairly nice day, and , a fair haired, fairly nice driver picked me up and drove me. Now don't get dirty thoughts, he didn't drive me like that. It cost a fair bit, and I remostrated `that's not fair? He remonstrated `fair is fair driving a fairy to the fayre' . I submitted willingly. The fayre itself was fairly fair, though to be fair, I wouldn't fare well conducting such fairylike fare. I got hungry. The fare was fair,

okay , that's about as much of that bshot I can write at one go.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? (unquote)

I got vaxed and woke up the next a.m. as a 6'8" 235 lb. WNBA virtue-signalling power-forward. Call it Kafka with 21st century characteristics. So no, I may be healthy, but I am even less bearable than my aforetime sunny solarian self

I could see what was coming down the line, so at the start of my latest gig, said, in no uncertain terms, I woulnd never receive any vaccination. After a couple phone calls was assured that vaccination would be totally voluntary. Yeah. right. I can still take the gaotie, but for how long, I don't know. Might have to pull a Lao Zi and hit the mountains of Yunnan or thereababouts.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? (unquote)

I am about as worried about the dreaded Coronavirus as I am worried about (place fatuous remark here). The response, however, to the dreaded Crown Virus, is dread inducing indeed, and which has nothing to do with viruses, health, wellbeing etc. at. all. All us field cattle being turned ineluctably in barn cows, hooked to them milking machines 24/7/ Either that or its the glue factory for you.

I got vaxed and woke up the next a.m. as a 6'8" 235 lb. WNBA virtue-signalling power-forward. Call it Kafka with 21st century characteristics. So no, I may be healthy, but I am even less bearable than my aforetime sunny solarian self

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

So now we gots `techies' `foodies' . Hows abouts `fartsies' ... People that like to fart regularly? I know this all started out with `hippies' Those cool cats what was hip. Hows abouts `partyies'.. Them that likes to party? Hows abouts `easyies' , them that likes to relax? And by the way what is wrong with the word `sex' , as in what sex are you? Male or female? Now you gotsa have a gender. This engenders an old fartsie like me with despair at the debasement of the English language. (But not too much despair)

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

BauLuo wrote:

quote `This full-day tour will introduce Taoist theory and discuss how it compares to Western philosophy. Interested parties can contact Michelle Gong via Phone (13366166844) or WeChat (ID: michelle13366166844). 9am-4pm, meeting at White Cloud Temple. RMB 380 per person.  unquote.

The sneeze that can be sneezed is not the true sneeze.  All fabrications cannot be unmade. Knock me over with a feather. Philosophy grows in the interstices of dream and horror.   That's all ya need to know.  Save yer 380 kuai. 


~~“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~~.

quote `This full-day tour will introduce Taoist theory and discuss how it compares to Western philosophy. Interested parties can contact Michelle Gong via Phone (13366166844) or WeChat (ID: michelle13366166844). 9am-4pm, meeting at White Cloud Temple. RMB 380 per person. unquote.

The sneeze that can be sneezed is not the true sneeze. All fabrications cannot be unmade. Knock me over with a feather. Philosophy grows in the interstices of dream and horror. That's all ya need to know. Save yer 380 kuai.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

"Enjoy all things British – from Pimms to Fish and Chips – at the residence of the British Ambassador. "(unquote)

Let me guess: the ambassador is out of town this week, globalizing with assorted eminences grises. So his teenage son decides PAAAAAARTY!!! Why it's enough to bring even a moping Markle out of a selbstmoerding tailspin, I'll wager.

Will there be any rum, thought of me, and/or the eyelash?

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

In any case, y'all oughter be ashamed of your crakker-ass selves. In the photo, I count 12 pale foreigners, nine Chinese and no one else. Is "fayre" some kind of code word for a Klan rally? Archaic English is like an Aryan dog-whistle, innit?

'Fayre' was a late '60 vogue that has unseanonalbly re-arisin. Like bobby socks. Speaking of Bobby where is our favorite whipping boy? We could totally re-establidchdssh that useless forum . Thogh that wenge guy can go fork himself. (Though Id still converse)

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

After a two-week ergoutou bender I have indeed been known to do an `inverted curl' along with shakes, moans and pleadings to our lord and saviour (notice the lack of CAPS) whilst sufferting spasms of various sorts. Maybe I can turn it into a meme and sell it to Mike Zcherbrug.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

jknotts wrote:

Machines don't use any dialect. They are machines. 明白了吗?请不请去?

Whoops - for some reason the machine sometimes uses a Taiwanese dialect for pinyin. Fixed now.

BauLuo wrote:

Jus' wondrin', whydja pinyinize 垃圾 as le4se4? Is that a Beijing dialect thing?

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Guoyihui Tcm wrote:

Chinese medicine can help to protect our immnity from the attack of virus. We can diagose the boby system and give some advice, anyone is interested in the topic? please let me know ^^

I didn't know that medicine had an ethnicity, whatever ethnicitity is. I think I need to go back to university and study Aristotle and learn all that jazz about organizing and arranging stuff. I'm pretty sure it's racist though.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

By-the-by, food can be meat, dairy/egg, or vegetable (i.e., plant)---right? Them is the only options, lessen you eats red-clay mud with the po' white Georgia trash. And, by definition, vegan food contains no meat or dairy/egg. So it's all plant. That being so, why in screaming butchered-bunny, blue-blazing Hell call it "plant-based"? It's all plant. Except, yeah, "plant-based" has this pseudo-technical ring to it. Which, it seems, vegan foodies find erotic when they pen their food porn.

Personally I stick to only air based breathing, with occassional admixtures of nicotine based breathing, though I have heard of `other substance' based breathing. Not that I would know anything about that.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

If your taste in foods equals the level of your reading comprehension I would indeed argue that you should be sent to a camp, at least an English reading one. Get a life Giovanni, let people enjoy things.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

Whatever the reason, the idea that confections devoid of animal products are somehow less than is flat out wrong.(unquote)

Strange, I always reckoned that food was---yes, indeed---a matter of taste. Now I come to find out that one's preferences as to what he prefers can be "flat out wrong." Guess we need legal sanctions and re-education facilities, don't we?

Giovanni Martini wrote:

"Here’s hoping we can get in on the free cash next time!" (unquote)

There is no such thing as free cash. In accepting it, one becomes a scavenger. The low-food chain sort of specimen too heedless to ask who is "giving away" cash and why.

You can be a thief, or you can be a whore. Or learn to be poor. Those are the options.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

Beijing has long been a city that is known for rapid changes, as anyone who's returned after a couple of years will know. In any given year, it's not hard to notice how different the city looks now than it did 365 days prior. (unquote)

I've lived here nearly 20 years. Since 2008 or so, my overall impression is that a cube of concrete is a cube of concrete and cheerful colors of paint 'n neon do little to change that. 

Still 'n all, it do beat the States whose civilization has reached the point where it celebrates turning cities into piles of bricks. (With garbage in the interstices.)

As much as I acknowledge the already well-established infrastructure system of the U.S, I cannot ignore the fact that the city has gone through dramatic changes in the past 10 years. Ask anyone who went to China 20 years ago and came back 20 years later, he will tell you how shocked he was to find Beijing to be an entirely different city .