Giovanni Martini wrote:

New in the Neighborhood: Beijing’s Latest Euro Grub (unquote)

Euro grub? Grubs like 昆虫蛴螬? Them worms you find under rotting logs and the like? I allus had Merkel and Macron pegged as particularly loathsome examples of Euro grubs. Though, yeah, the choice is pretty broad these days,

Euro grub?

"grub" is hipster-speak for "food".


Guest wrote:

The most important rule to remember is to never leave any baby or young child unattended with any pet, no matter how docile and friendly that pet may be.

More important than "don't let babies or dogs play on the scooter-riddled Beijng side"walks"???


Sikaote wrote:

What in the what does this even mean??


We’ll [the Beijinger] need you [the contestants] all in [signed up] by the end of the day Tuesday, May 25, so fire up that WeChat [use Wechat] and scan away.

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers

Giovanni Martini wrote:

"By the time we lost Day 2 of the Spicy Fest last weekend to irate neighbors who were just a tad miffed that so many people were having a good time (in an outdoor mall that apparently is typically deader than a doornail)," (unquote)

Kind of reminds one of Superman's Bizarro World. The locals who nixed all over your festivals are kind of like kamikaze turned inside-out. Benzodiazapine beserkers. Because there is NO danger so trivial one cannot run from it.

Benzodiazapine beserkers.

Doctors who prescribe clonepin should be drawn and quartered.

New russian

Giovanni Martini wrote:

Who do you go to when you’re struggling with mental health? Who can you turn to when you’re in a crisis? Unfortunately, for those of us living in a country that’s foreign to us, too few of us have a solid answer to that question. (unquote)

Solid answer? "Siegen oder untergehen." Crisis solved. Free of charge.

Is that similar to "the harder they come, the harder they fall"???

Asking for a friend.

Kiss 2