Hip-Hop Guru DJ Spinna to Send Us Back to 1993 at Migas, July 11
Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) is one of his choice albums, while hits by Michael Jackson and Prince headline his popular New York City “Soul Slam” parties. But it's the alias that gives it away: DJ Spinna is a disciple of the '90s. The young creator of 1994's “Everybody Bounce” is closing in on Beijing this summer, and we just might have to pop open our alcopops and don our denim snapbacks for this one.
Is there a hip-hop lyric that describes your feelings for coming to Beijing?
A perfect quote would be from Method Man's “Bring The Pain”: “I came to bring the pain hardcore from the brain, let's go inside my astral plane. Find out my mental's based on instrumental records, so I can rock monumental.”
What are you expecting from a Beijing crowd?
I'm understanding that the energy in China for good music is similar to the best times of New York in the late '80s and early '90s. The scene is still relatively new and people are open-minded there. I'm expecting great reaction from the music I'll be spinning.
If you had a time machine, what year in the ’90s would you revisit and why?
I would revisit the year 1993. That was a golden time for music, especially hip hop. It was one of the last years of true creativity before the music industry cashed in and sold out the genre. Artists were allowed to be themselves, and the production was so funky. I really miss the way producers used to dig for rare records and breaks to make their sound special.
What would you bring back from the ’90s?
Innocence. It was a time before the internet when people were real and appreciated what they had. People are spoiled now and everything is out there in the open and easily accessible. When you think about this in the context of music it's tragic. No one cares about listening to an album from beginning to end anymore, it's all about the hot single. It's hard to get the full story of an artist that way. That's why we have legendary artists today from back then, they were respected more.
What can we expect from your set in Beijing?
Funk, soul, breaks and rare grooves. A funky good time!
What is your signature dance floor move?
Nowadays, it's a head bob and a two-step. I used to dance a lot more back in the day.
You told everyone to bounce in the’90's. What should people do in 2014?
Keep bouncing. It should never get old.
See DJ Spinna bring a Soul Slam party from New York City to The Bar at Migas' Funk Fever tomorrow (July 11).
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Submitted by Guest on Mon, 06/30/2014 - 15:43 Permalink
Re: An Ounce of Bounce: Hip-Hop Guru DJ Spinna Rewinds to 1993
Its about time Migas has something worth attending!!!!!!
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