Smile, You're on Panda Camera
We can be pretty patronizing to the panda. We think it’s so cute, but then we can’t help but make fun of its uselessness and asexuality. Sarah Bexell, a wildlife conservationist based at the Chengdu Research Base, just published a photo book about the giant panda alongside co-author Zhang Zhihe. She’s telling us all about the black-and-white bear at Southern Barbarian at 5pm tonight, but first she’s here to set us straight.
Are pandas not forcing their extinctions with fussy eating habits and poor libido?
Not at all. They're a very strong species – one of the oldest species. In recent history, giant pandas had one of the smartest feeding strategies on the planet: eat whatever is the most plentiful food source around. It is only because humans have destroyed their habitat and so much of their food sources that it has now become problematic for them. Also, giant pandas do not have a poor libido, they are fine in the wild. It is only captive pandas that do not have an interest in breeding and this is because captive environments do not allow for them to go through natural rituals and behaviors that encourage mating.
Tell us something we don't know about pandas.
They’re very intelligent and agile animals. They may appear to be slow, both intellectually and physically, but they are incredibly wise and survive with ease in an inhospitable environment that would kill most humans. They are also excellent climbers and move with ease both on precipitous terrain and in trees.
What is your favorite photo in the book?
Oh, so many. I love the ones of mothers and cubs playing outside, the golden monkey photos and the landscape photos the best.
What part of this book are you most proud of?
That it’s an educational book for families and people of all ages. It is not technical and so can be enjoyed by everyone! I also am proud of the section that introduces the pandas as individuals with distinct personalities; I think it will help people connect with the pandas.
What would you say to someone who wants to hold a baby panda?
Please don't. It is animal abuse. The only way people can hold baby animals is if the institution they are visiting take the babies away from their mothers. This is cruel and harmful to the health and development of the cubs, and abusive to the mothers who never get to raise their own babies. And visitors can easily be hurt in these situations too.
How do you feel about the pandas at the Beijing Zoo?
I have not been to the Beijing Zoo in a while. I remember the panda exhibit was the best one. I think they are doing their best and working each year to improve. Zoos are not good places for animals and I think they send mixed educational messages. I wish that human evolution would happen more quickly when it comes to zoos, that they become a thing of the past. But for now they are here and the animals should be treated with compassion and respect. Beijing Zoo has made tremendous improvements and are still working to improve. People should encourage them and support them in all their hard work to make it a better place for animals.
Is everything in panda protection black and white?
Well, the pandas themselves are black and white, but I don't think anything in human realms is quite as simple.
To learn more about pandas and see more adorable photos, head over to Southern Barbarian tonight at 5pm. Register first by emailing
Photos: Courtesy of Penguin China
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Submitted by Guest on Wed, 11/14/2012 - 13:53 Permalink
Re: Smile, You're on Panda Camera
I think the linking policy of the beijinger is quite interesting.. also in this one you have even failed to mention the name of the book.
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