Instant Character Recognition Feature for iPhones

Pleco, a New York-based company who specialize in developing tools to learn Chinese, have announced a new iPhone feature that looks like it will be invaluable, not only for those learning Chinese characters, but for anyone who lives here and isn’t fluent in reading Chinese. The feature uses the iPhone camera to look at and “read” Chinese characters through an Optical Character Recognition system. There’s no need to take a photograph – you just point you camera and the app provides an instantaneous definition.

According to Pleco’s short demonstration video, you can also feed any characters read by the iPhone into a history list and create flashcards for future reference and learning.

The announcement on the Pleco site notes that the feature “works best on the iPhone 4, but it should also work on a 3GS if it's been upgraded to iOS 4.0; the cameras on the original iPhone and iPhone 3G lack autofocus, so unfortunately they can't take clear enough pictures of characters for our system to recognize them.”

The feature will hopefully be available in September.

So you no longer have to be left wondering what that notice taped to your apartment door means, or those banners strung on every corner extolling you to enthusiastically embrace the latest obsession of local authorities.

See here for an earlier list of useful China-related iPhone apps.


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Pleco quite expensive app once you starting buying add-ons - free version has limited usability.

Click here and your wildest dreams will come true.

This will be awesome (assuming it works) - now if only they'll invent an implantable version for my head.

Jerry Chan, Digital Marketing & Content Strategy Director

good app, i'm only chiming in to talk of the future...will it mean an end to flaky language teachers taking money from hard working non target language speakers, and thus end forever the outmoded industry of language learning.

hooray if it does, since it will finally free the people's of the world to communicate in any language...

software today renders professions obsolete, and we're all unemployed, but hey...we can finally read street signs.

cool app, and 6 drops of the essence of mirth.

home of darktrunk music

the current version of pleco supports handwritten character recognition, which i find excellent -- you can copy a character you don't know and it will suggest what you're looking for.

short of the snap-a-pic feature, it's great

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers

Hi badr,

We realise Pleco has long been available for iPhones, but this seemed like a notable new feature.

You're quite right to point out it's not a new app as such however - post has been amended accordingly.



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just a small correction here guys: Pleco for iphone has been available for about a year now.. this is NOT a new app.
the OCR functionality in itself is not a new app either, it's a new add-on (module) for the pleco application.

Pleco is also commonly recognized amongst mandarin students as the BEST dictionary app available whether it's on Palm, WinMo or Iphone.
