Feel the Burn: Buff Up with Chuck Zhang of Elite Nutrition Center
Beijing native Chuck Zhang first developed an interest in health and fitness in the United States, where he attended high school and university. He has since brought his passion back with him to China, becoming one of the first people to import sport supplements to this country. After treating us to some strawberry-flavored protein powder, he divulged on what motivates him to stay fit and how readers can get results from working out.
At what age did you lift your first weight?
When I was 19 years old. I was really skinny back then. I had just moved to Texas and noticed that people in the U.S. were more active, which made me want to start training and working out. It’s funny – I didn’t know anything about nutrition at that age, so I would pig out on chips and soda before I slept just to gain weight. Thinking back now, I can laugh about it, but it’s also a reminder of why it is so important to get educated about health.
What sparked your interest in physical fitness?
I worked out for six years before I started to seriously educate myself on nutrition. Then after I'd returned to China, I noticed that there were no services being provided for people interested in fitness, so I thought it would be a great business opportunity. I also wanted to help Chinese people get acquainted with the products and achieve their physical goals. I'm fascinated by the fact that everyone's body is different and requires different strategies to get fit – this means that no one can ever learn enough.
How would you describe your philosophy on working out and healthy eating?
When I was young in the States, my goal was simple: just get big. But now, I’m more mature. I know there are different plans you can use to change your body, but the most important thing is to set a goal. There were a few years that I didn’t set foot into a gym because I was “too busy” with other businesses. I left the health industry for a while. At the time, I came up with lots of excuses just like everyone else – I thought, “I don’t have time to go to the gym, I don’t have time to eat healthily.” And guess what? I got really out of shape. All my life I had focused on developing my career, but when I lost my health, everything else became worthless. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or what kind of status you have – if you don’t have good health, you can’t enjoy it. It was at that point that I decided to start working out again and watch what I eat. Once I’d gotten back into the habit, nothing else was as hard as I’d thought. If I can do it, anyone can find the time to work out and eat well. I’m in this industry to help people achieve this.
What are the differences between Chinese and American views on physical fitness, and how do you expect them to evolve?
In America, most people already have some idea of how to work out when they enter a gym. They’re educated in physical fitness from any early age, plus they work out at school either in class or on a sports team. But in China, we just started to have gyms a few years ago, which means that the majority of people have never touched a dumbbell in their lives.
So the biggest difference is still the education. If our store opened in the U.S., a customer would just come in to compare prices. But in China, the price is not the most important thing – we actually need to educate our customers on what products fit them, and how to combine diet and exercise in a way that will allow them to better achieve their goals.
What is the current market for sports supplements like in Beijing?
When I first moved back here in 2000, the market was really small; the only people who took sport supplements were bodybuilders and there weren’t even many commercial health clubs. But the industry is really moving now. When I first opened my nutrition business, most people assumed I was selling steroids. Now they know a little more about what protein can do for you and accept that – it has become our best-selling product – but still need guidance on about 80% of our merchandise.
I’d say that our store can match any in the US, making us about five to ten years ahead of the game in China. So I want to set a strong example. I’m treating my store more like an education center rather than a business. I’m doing this because I love to promote health. The industry may not be hugely profitable yet, but I know it’s going to be in the future. I tell gym owners, trainers and associates that they need to enjoy the industry first – they can’t be getting into this business just because they want to make money, or they’ll be disappointed.
If you could only eat one thing everyday to stay healthy, what would it be?
Probably steak. Steak is my favorite protein-packed food.
What health supplements do you personally take on a regular basis? Why?
Since I have access to this big warehouse, I take whatever I want. It depends on what I want at the time. Right now, for the next four months, my goal is to lose body fat, so I’m taking protein all year round; I’m cutting down on my carbs. I take a lot of amino acids just to keep my muscle while I’m dieting.
Maybe if I wanted to bulk up and just gain more muscle, then I’d increase my protein and carb intake. Also, because I’m in this business, I want to experiment with all of the products we carry so I can talk about it with customers. I would never ad-vise my customers to purchase something I don’t believe in.
Do you have any advice to our readers on how to stay healthy?
I think everyone who wants to start working out needs to have a plan. The more you learn, the more control you have over your body. I meet too many people who don’t understand the rules of proper diet and exercise, so they don’t get the results that they want. For example, I see girls who starve themselves to lose weight, but still don’t achieve the bodies they want and only lose their health in the process.
People work out for a reason. Many of us look at a person who’s built and automatically assume they’re a gym rat, or taking steroids. But really, from what I see, every¬one who is in good shape just has good discipline over their lifestyle. So, you've got to combine planning with discipline and knowledge. If you have a plan and can stick to it for just three months, then you can see the results that will benefit you all your life.
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Submitted by Guest on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 19:23 Permalink
Re: Feel the Burn: Buff Up with Chuck Zhang of Elite ...
Sorry about that, the hyperlink to the post about the store location was left out - here is the link:
Elite Nutrition Center
Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat-Sun 10.30am-7.30pm. Rm 0159, Bldg C, Chaowai Soho, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (5900 4538, 5900 4539) www.chinaenc.com.cn
盈奥营养中心, 朝阳区朝阳门外大街乙6号朝外Soho C座0159商铺
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 17:04 Permalink
Re: Feel the Burn: Buff Up with Chuck Zhang of Elite ...
Yo how 'bout some addresses and contact info mofugga?
You know it's some crap journalism when I can't even verify in your story whether you made the god damn place up or not.
Step it up Tiffany Wang! Half your blog entries don't even have addresses! Yes, I could google, but Tiffany Wang, why do you make me? Why? Aren't we supposed to be helping everybody out? I mean, great, you've profiled this dude, but I'd love to know where he works, how to get in touch with him. Otherwise you're printing filler.
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