Blog Tag - Fitness Clubs
Look, it happens. You had the best intentions, but life is so damn busy, your alleged “health goals” were fueled by toxic perceptions, and, honestly...
I made no new year’s resolutions to get fit. It seemed useless when I have no exercise equipment, a yoga practice that went out the window after...
When I rocked up to Ka Pa Hula O Manoa (a hula studio better known in English as “My Dance Life Club”) in spandex leggings and a loose t-shirt, I...
What is Nia? Instructing partners and long-term Beijing residents Jennifer Schwerin and Debbie-Lee van Ginkel explain.
What is Nia? Can it be...
Beijing native Chuck Zhang first developed an interest in health and fitness in the United States, where he attended high school and university. He...
Spring is coming, and with it lighter clothing. Time to live up to those New Year’s resolutions – get in shape and shake off that winter flab at the...
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