Donald Trump's 4-Year-Old Granddaughter Speaks Better Chinese Than You Do
Video clips of Donald Trump's 4-year-old granddaughter speaking Chinese are taking the Chinese Internet by storm.
RELATED: How to Talk About the US Election in Mandarin
The clips show her singing the Chinese traditional song Little White Rabbits and reciting the poem Sympathy with Peasants. Arabella Kushner, the daughter of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, actually speaks pretty decent Mandarin for a non-Chinese 4-year-old. Actually she speaks pretty decent Mandarin for anyone not Chinese.
Apparently she's been learning since she was 18 months old and she's learned her putonghua from a Chinese-speaking nanny.
No word yet on whether the toddler's language skills will be earning her a position in her grandfather's controversial circle of advisors or her own pass to the Pentagon.
Is her Chinese better than yours? You might want to get started on learning that Mandarin before the Trumps invade and there's no hope left at all.

Other recent rumors surrounding Trump's birthplace include a message circulating on WeChat discussing whether or not he hails from Chongqing (via Reddit), and a Pakistani news site reporting that he was actually born in Pakistan.

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Submitted by Guest on Wed, 11/16/2016 - 08:00 Permalink
Re: Donald Trump's 4-Year-Old Granddaughter Speaks Better...
Really Beijinger? No one can speak Chinese, because it's not a spoken language.
Sure it is. Just ask Wikipedia or if you prefer, Baidu's online dictionary. The word "Chinese" encompasses both written Chinese as well as serving as a general term for all dialects of the Chinese language.
I presume you are pointing out the fact that we did not specify the dialect she is learning (Mandarin) in the headline. While it would be more precise to have said "Mandarin", our use of the word "Chinese" is grammatically and linguistically correct.
From Wikipedia:
"Chinese can refer to:
-- Chinese language, a language or family of languages spoken by the Han Chinese in China
-- Standard Chinese, the standard form of the Chinese (Mandarin) language in mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore, and the variety most commonly taught as a foreign language
-- Written Chinese, the writing system of China"
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 19:13 Permalink
Re: Donald Trump's 4-Year-Old Granddaughter Speaks Better...
Think about it, people! she's being trained to send encoded messages to her grandfather's white supremacist sleeper cells! "小白兔,白又白 / 两只耳朵竖起来!" (Little white rabbits, white so white, perk up your ears!)
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 15:29 Permalink
Re: Donald Trump's 4-Year-Old Granddaughter Speaks Better...
Really? So he has some Asian gene.
No wonder his granddaughter's picture reminds me of myself when I was young,almost 90% similarity...
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