Blog Tag - Provincial Government Restaurants

Shaanxi Provincial Government Restaurant: Hearty Food Lacking the Love it Deserves
If Xinjiang cuisine is the perfect accompaniment to hazy summer nights accented with cheap beer and lamb and fragments of cumin lodged deep under the...
Jiangsu Provincial Government Restaurant: Straight From the Yangtze River
Jiangsu Province, often referred to in Chinese as “the land of fish and rice,” is a picturesque and bountiful province that borders the Yellow Sea....
2016 Year in Review: Official Cuisine at Beijing's Provincial Government Restaurants A-H
Last year I started on a mission to try all of Beijing's provincial government restaurants, not just the much-loved Sichuan provincial government...
Hunan Provincial Government Restaurant: Genuine Service and Tasty Food Near Fuxingmen
It has finally happened! Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a provincial government restaurant that isn’t a shining beacon of atrocious service...
Henan ProvGov: Water Banquets Not Fit For Empresses
Just because something has been around for a really, really long time, doesn’t mean it’s good. That’s what we discovered at the Henan Provincial...
Hebei Provincial Government Restaurant: Silent Hebei
It all started with five people trudging through the pollution, ready to kill for some fresh air. Nestled in a hutong off a hutong, not at all like...
2015 Year in Review: Getting Provincial at Beijing's Provincial Government Restaurants
This year I started on a mission to try all of Beijing's provincial government restaurants, not just the much-loved Sichuan provincial government...
Hainan ProvGov: Nothing Too Fishy About This Place
With my dining companions wearing thin as I dragged them from one mediocre restaurant to another even-less-than-mediocre restaurant, I prayed to all...
ProvGov: Guizhou Provincial Government Restaurant
The first time I passed through Guizhou by train many years ago, I remember looking the province up in Lonely Planet, only to come across a rather...
ProvGov: Guangxi Provincial Government Restaurant
Guangxi: a very popular tourist destination with its magnificent peaks, but not the most popular of cuisines. Apart from Guilin rice noodles, coming...
Guangdong Provincial Government Restaurant: You Dim Sum, You Lose Sum
This month’s Prov Gov mission was completed on the west side of the city, near Xidan. We biked up an appetite, but enjoyed the scenic route, hoping...
Gansu Provincial Government  Restaurant: Where Noodles Meet Their Match
This month’s provincial government restaurant features one of China’s best comfort foods and soul warmers: lamian, or northwestern China’s hand-...
Fujian Provincial Government Restaurant: Average Food, Great Dessert
I was secretly hoping that this month’s provincial restaurant wouldn’t be as depressing as the Anhui entry in June, but our visit to the Fujian...
Anhui Provincial Government Restaurant: Supposedly One of China's Eight Great Cuisines
Because Beijing’s restaurants have more to offer than meets the eye, this is the start of a monthly column whereby we visit one of the many...