Blog Author - Sanfine International Hospital

What’s the Best Time of Day to Workout?
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Many people prefer waking up at the crack of dawn to exercise. But does the early bird always get the worm? Well, not really.
Are Insects the New Super-Food?
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It is widely accepted that by 2050, the Earth will be home to 9 billion people.
Six Condom Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making
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Condoms are a great way to help prevent STI’s and they are up to 98 percent effective at preventing pregnancy.
Paleo Diets: The Pros and Cons of Eating Like a Caveman
The New, Old Diet
A Good Night's Sleep Could Make You Richer
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You snooze, you lose? Not really. According to one study, lack of sleep costs the United States about USD 63.2 billion per year.