Blog Author - Sanfine International Hospital

Eight Tips For Maintaining Good Eye Health
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After the brain, our eyes are the most complex organs in our body.
How do Cellphones Affect Your Health?
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There are more cellphones subscriptions than there are people around the world. Everyone has heard that phones might be dangerous for our health.
The Surprising Science Behind The Simple Act Of Showering
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Showering is more than just a daily routine.
Revealing The Truth About Your Underwear
Sponsored by Sanfine International Hospital
Knickers, undies, panties, banana hammocks … whatever you call them, they are an important part of (almost!) everyone's wardrobe.
How To Introduce Your Dog To Your New Baby
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Once it is known that there is a baby on the way, moms and dads-to-be start painstakingly preparing everything for the arrival of their newest fam
Eating Clean While Eating Out
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Many would consider Beijing to be a foodie’s delight.
Juices or Smoothies: Which is healthier?
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Nutritionists and health foodies often have contrasting opinions about which is a healthier drink – juices or smoothies.
Wellness Travel: The New Way to Travel
Sponsored by Sanfine International Hospital
It seems every year there’s a new super-food to know about and a new workout craze to try.
Still Need the Sunscreen: Sunscreens Explained
Sponsored by Sanfine International Hospital
The summer sun may feel good, but it is certainly not doing your skin any favors.