Well they erased a coupla my squibs, don't know why, don't really care, but I will see what sorta gibberish I can come up with tonight.
Lets talk about cysts, particularly them of the sebacious variety. . Cysts and dancing., ba! Now if you do like dancing, which I particularly do, but usually in the washroom and skipping about upon my non-cyst infested feet, you may none-the-less be inquisitve about cyst like situations, I an I can write seven more paragrphs. usiing subjencitve verbs ( I missed the semi colon there.... sorry}
Now `cyst' sounds phonetically not too dissimilar to Sis. So, speaking quickly, I may say I have a Sis on my heel, I am unable to waltz. Which would put my Sis at a loss, when, with bemusement and chagrin the elder ladies of the village looked nosewise down! Ba!
Now, lets return to the main topic, which are cysts of the sebacious quality.
I had a big moother funker growin on me neck, and I just sliced the mother - franker (razor blade use employed) opened and spilled the guts of it into the sink. I squished it open and squeezed it like Tom Daley. Did I say Tom Dooley? My mamaries keep playin tricks on me. So fattish I can now lick them. This ain't good.
This has in no was diminished my dancing ability, and I look forward to conversing with dead parrots. Ba! (And buying Cheese) Ba!
I have this ponderous proclivity to not say something that I believe to be untrue. This may have arisen from my upbringing as a fundamentalist Christian, but I don't know. My good friend, saddly passed away, raised with Brethren In Christ missionary parents in the foothills of the Himalayays, yayaya, could lie to anybody about anything, but I couldn't lie to anybody about anything, not even the bank manager. He said one time, `listen, Bao Luo, (though that wasn't my name then, nor now, in fact I have half dozen of names, none of which I really like), `iffen ya can just learn to lie properly, ya can do shitloads of stuff! Ya got a brain ya can be a politiian, though ya don't need a brain for that, just a smiley face) But I never fonking learned how to lie properly. I do have a new mattress on order from Taobao. Maybe help me lie, should I say `lay' better.
Listen folk, occassionly the eating of ribs requires the frog marching of denizins to nearby rib eating joints. Now frog-marching is not too difficult and the imposition of it even less so. It mostly relies on the activation of bum force, applied stategicaly. Right knee, right bum cheek; left knee left, left bum cheek. Easy peasy,
I used to traffic in signs. Some were egregious, some were occult. A liittle pink painted elbow, who knows what that can mean?
But there I was, Saturday night, 1 am, selling out me signs, two bucks a pop, my pentagrams were the hottest, but I managed to sell off a few copies of Mister Manly P Halls book. Mostly surrepticiously ensconed unbeknowningstly in passerby's back pocket. A cat meaowed silently and a nearby rook chirmed. Using the A flat scale. Hairy Mary popped by and stuck her pinky finger in that funny little pocket we all have.
Well I have a few murky mysteries in my past, none of which required murder on my part, a couple sadly in suicide, Nonetheless I never did re-tread my sneakers, and Tuesday will get you Friday, if you have a smile on yer face. Toodaloo! Ba!
I have to admit, I did once eat Joe's Pizza. It was 3 am, Joe was passed out on the floor, Hairy Mary was on the couch, The whole rest of the gang was strewn about. There was a coupla slices sitting on counter top. With pineapple of all god-forsaken things. I gobbled em down, washed with about 3 half drunk beer bottles I managed to find without cigarette butts in them. Desparate times, desparate measures, I rationalized.
Beer without ciggie butts is like burgers without meat, a day without a COVID test, a raison without etre.
Well yeah, actually after I gobbled down Joe's Pizza I found a box of raisons, sun dried an organic I believe, but I couldn't find any f*cjking d'etre, Finally it was found, stashed under the sink, next to the baby wipes.
I have to admit, I did once eat Joe's Pizza. It was 3 am, Joe was passed out on the floor, Hairy Mary was on the couch, The whole rest of the gang was strewn about. There was a coupla slices sitting on counter top. With pineapple of all god-forsaken things. I gobbled em down, washed with about 3 half drunk beer bottles I managed to find without cigarette butts in them. Desparate times, desparate measures, I rationalized.
Why ain't nothing canceled for monkeypox? Is there some kind of pro-COVID bias in China? Maybe monkeypox isn't affecting some privileged demographic? Izzat it?
OMG! I said monkeypox. I am sooooo sorry. I forgot the new name "w1o9k3e1-ph4a7g." How could I have forgotten? OK, so actually I didn't forget. Clearly, I am subliminally bigoted and need consciousness-raising training.
A pox on your poxuifcation of Poxyness. You are clealy an anti-Poxer and do not follow the science. And have never kissed succulently Toni Fauci. Begone wastrel ni.
I don’t know about you, but I’m never going to be that parent who voluntarily brings bugs into the house. But, that’s not to say that they’re not cool, because bugs are definitely fun!...It’s essentially a petting zoo for insects that most people have only ever seen on the Discovery Channel. (unquote)
Deliberately depriving your kids of fun? Sounds abusive to me. A petting zoo for bugs? I once got crabs and lice at a location not to be named save to say its was "vibrant and diverse." Turned out to be a scratching zoo for vermin.
Well I didn't exactly invite them, they came of their own accord, but for about 4 years I lived in a tentlike structure that did not abjure the presence of insects. If they crawled on my face, 3 am ish, supposing I was awake and still sober, I gave them a stern talking to. Mostly I cohabited peacefully with bugs for 4 years, not even mentioning Hairy Mary and her family of crabs. But that's another story.
Entries have to be in line with the theme and be written in clear English without the use of offensive language. (UNQUOTE)
As in: "The peniaphobic old bum-bailiff was invaginating the doorside container with his knobstick. Meantime, his niggardly daughter was placing cock-bells in the shittah." (The poverty-fearing bill-collector was putting his walking stick inside the container. His stingy daughter was placing a kind of flower in a kind of tree.)?
I once got a touch of frostbite offa Goon Isand. Me nickers were kiboshed and we was fresh outa. Though we did have some other. The skip came up softly and we jousted robustly. Wittgenstein and I picked our respective noses wth great alacrity. Sally sneezed, with volume.
Well there me and Hairy Mary was, stranded thus on Foreign Land. I caressed her protruding nipples softly and then harrunmphed. `Iffen we don fin som food to eat soon we will all be dead' ` Relax baby,' she murmures, `surely there will be some food'. I never knowed just how fat she was.
The show must goon. Goon away, goon with all celerity. Lickety split now, Hoppity scotch ba!
On Goon Island, we ate lots of celerity. Let Pop Eye have the spimmich.
I'm too far away to come to Beijing but on Monday I'll go to LiuHuaHu garden in Guangzhou and pay my respects at The Queen's tree that she planted in 1986. Long live the King!
My ex- girlfriend killed herself with vodka and a bottle of anti-depressants at the age of 40.
I don't give a good gaddang fongk about the death of the `queen'. It means absolutely nothing to me.
I'm not particularly exercised over it meself. But whinging academics and activists going on about "pillaged jewels" got my ire irked. EVERY inhabited square meter on this planet has been pillaged and most repeatedly. The Brits were more successful than most is all.
I Was an anarchist when I was 22 and I am an anarchist at 58. Churchill said something like ` if you;re not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a Conservative when you are 30 then you have no mind' My reply is simply `go fuck yourself'.
I lit firecrackers when I was a kid. *boom* and li'l scraps of paper go flying on their own trajectories to wind up in heaps that get swept up and trashed. I dunno why "anarchist" always makes me think of that. Complete discoordination across all levels of ability mebbe.
In his later years, Ernst Juenger wrote a lot of the "Anarch." Different animal totally. For one, it has admirable qualities...
Anarchism aint so much about firecrackers and bombs and all. More about building something. Whether it can come to pass remains to be seen.
Oh I dunno. Homer's race of cyclopses in the Odyssey were a pretty fair take on anarchism. As are today's American inner cities. A creed that requires sages and saints for its practice winds up making beasts of ordinary men. A kingdom not of this world, as it were.
I used to blow off firecrackers myself as a kid. We had a bow and arrow, tie the firecrackers to the arrow, light the firecrackers and shoot the arrow as far into the sky as ye could, the aim being to time the firecracker cracking as high as possible. Now Micky and Geza the Hungarian kids from next door had another use for firecrackers, which was to grab a frog from the crick, which there were many, squeeze it to open it's jaw, stick in the firecracker, light it and throw the whole bolus into the air and explode said frog into little bits of frog flesh.
Eddie and Davey the kids from across the street had another nice trick which they employed when we were baling hay, which was to take a mouse which was hiding under hay bale, strap it to an elastic and a rock, throw it in a bucket of water and watch it struggle until bubbles came out of it's mouth and drowned. 12 year old kids. What does this say?
My ex- girlfriend killed herself with vodka and a bottle of anti-depressants at the age of 40.
I don't give a good gaddang fongk about the death of the `queen'. It means absolutely nothing to me.
I'm not particularly exercised over it meself. But whinging academics and activists going on about "pillaged jewels" got my ire irked. EVERY inhabited square meter on this planet has been pillaged and most repeatedly. The Brits were more successful than most is all.
I Was an anarchist when I was 22 and I am an anarchist at 58. Churchill said something like ` if you;re not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a Conservative when you are 30 then you have no mind' My reply is simply `go fuck yourself'.
I lit firecrackers when I was a kid. *boom* and li'l scraps of paper go flying on their own trajectories to wind up in heaps that get swept up and trashed. I dunno why "anarchist" always makes me think of that. Complete discoordination across all levels of ability mebbe.
In his later years, Ernst Juenger wrote a lot of the "Anarch." Different animal totally. For one, it has admirable qualities...
Anarchism aint so much about firecrackers and bombs and all. More about building something. Whether it can come to pass remains to be seen.
My ex- girlfriend killed herself with vodka and a bottle of anti-depressants at the age of 40.
I don't give a good gaddang fongk about the death of the `queen'. It means absolutely nothing to me.
I'm not particularly exercised over it meself. But whinging academics and activists going on about "pillaged jewels" got my ire irked. EVERY inhabited square meter on this planet has been pillaged and most repeatedly. The Brits were more successful than most is all.
I Was an anarchist when I was 22 and I am an anarchist at 58. Churchill said something like ` if you;re not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a Conservative when you are 30 then you have no mind' My reply is simply `go fuck yourself'.
Well it involved borrowing words, phrases and text from other sources such as magazines, books, articles or even other poems to then create a new poem or piece of art, somewhat like a collage. (unquote)
Heck, my cousin Ville Olaf Martini PIONEERED this idea in reatauranteurship. His place, "Vile Ville's" in Uppsala in the far (far) North of Lombardy, featured a 24-hour smorgasboard serving ONLY items he scavanged from dumpsters. "Matlagning är uppenbara arbeteism!", he'd say in that lofty way of his. "Cooking is blatant workism!"
Now don't ya go dissin dumpster diving. I lived a good two whole years outa 4 am dumpster dives, back of me local wallmart.
Maybe you could be a local official in any of a number of smaller cities. One positive COVID test anywhere in town and BAM! Everything shutters for 4 days minimum. Today I missed becoming a POW (Prisoner of Warped-priorities) by less than an hour, whilst attempting travel within a couple hours of the Jing. Look for Full-Frontal Hard-Core Twilight Zone as the big gummermint meeting on 16 OCT draws nearer.
Yeah, we just had one a them episodes here in my little town. Apparently there were two asymptomatic cases discovered in a village attendant to the main city and BAM, (as you correctly wrote) everybody in the city must get 3 tests in 3 day, then another test two days later. EVERYONE! If not ya get a red thingy on yer phone. If ya ain't got a smart phone, then ya just get a red dot tatooed onta yer forehead (okay, I'm making that part up) On campus, where I live, as well as many other teachers, teachers were allowed ingress and egress, supposedly for one hour a day. For some reason I have always gotten along well with baoan, and this rule was never applied to me. Day before announcement few people wearing masks. Day after, go to grocery store, everybody wearing a mask. Two days later, nobody wearing a mask. I don't think even Kafka could write a story like this.
As an aside, I wonder who it is that owns the businesses that make all the swabs, the masks, the testing labs etc affiliated with this. Consider all the (non-productive) money and energy that goes into running this show. 1.4 Billion people, all getting swabbed, masked, tested. Not to even mention the jabs.
That's alotta swabs. Last I checked ya can't eat a swab. But at least I am being kept safe. Whew, that's a load off my mind.
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 22:42 Permalink
Re: Dance Your Hearts Out at These Places in Beijing!
Well they erased a coupla my squibs, don't know why, don't really care, but I will see what sorta gibberish I can come up with tonight.
Lets talk about cysts, particularly them of the sebacious variety. . Cysts and dancing., ba! Now if you do like dancing, which I particularly do, but usually in the washroom and skipping about upon my non-cyst infested feet, you may none-the-less be inquisitve about cyst like situations, I an I can write seven more paragrphs. usiing subjencitve verbs ( I missed the semi colon there.... sorry}
Now `cyst' sounds phonetically not too dissimilar to Sis. So, speaking quickly, I may say I have a Sis on my heel, I am unable to waltz. Which would put my Sis at a loss, when, with bemusement and chagrin the elder ladies of the village looked nosewise down! Ba!
Now, lets return to the main topic, which are cysts of the sebacious quality.
I had a big moother funker growin on me neck, and I just sliced the mother - franker (razor blade use employed) opened and spilled the guts of it into the sink. I squished it open and squeezed it like Tom Daley. Did I say Tom Dooley? My mamaries keep playin tricks on me. So fattish I can now lick them. This ain't good.
This has in no was diminished my dancing ability, and I look forward to conversing with dead parrots. Ba! (And buying Cheese) Ba!
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 10:53 Permalink
Re: Rib Rundown – Eleven Tantalizing Spots to Excite Your...
I have this ponderous proclivity to not say something that I believe to be untrue. This may have arisen from my upbringing as a fundamentalist Christian, but I don't know. My good friend, saddly passed away, raised with Brethren In Christ missionary parents in the foothills of the Himalayays, yayaya, could lie to anybody about anything, but I couldn't lie to anybody about anything, not even the bank manager. He said one time, `listen, Bao Luo, (though that wasn't my name then, nor now, in fact I have half dozen of names, none of which I really like), `iffen ya can just learn to lie properly, ya can do shitloads of stuff! Ya got a brain ya can be a politiian, though ya don't need a brain for that, just a smiley face) But I never fonking learned how to lie properly. I do have a new mattress on order from Taobao. Maybe help me lie, should I say `lay' better.
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 09:15 Permalink
Re: Rib Rundown – Eleven Tantalizing Spots to Excite Your...
Listen folk, occassionly the eating of ribs requires the frog marching of denizins to nearby rib eating joints. Now frog-marching is not too difficult and the imposition of it even less so. It mostly relies on the activation of bum force, applied stategicaly. Right knee, right bum cheek; left knee left, left bum cheek. Easy peasy,
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 08:37 Permalink
Re: Take a Look at Beijing's Newly Unveiled Traffic Signs
I used to traffic in signs. Some were egregious, some were occult. A liittle pink painted elbow, who knows what that can mean?
But there I was, Saturday night, 1 am, selling out me signs, two bucks a pop, my pentagrams were the hottest, but I managed to sell off a few copies of Mister Manly P Halls book. Mostly surrepticiously ensconed unbeknowningstly in passerby's back pocket. A cat meaowed silently and a nearby rook chirmed. Using the A flat scale. Hairy Mary popped by and stuck her pinky finger in that funny little pocket we all have.
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Tue, 09/20/2022 - 21:44 Permalink
Re: Unpacking Three of Beijing's Murkiest Historical Mysteries
Well I have a few murky mysteries in my past, none of which required murder on my part, a couple sadly in suicide, Nonetheless I never did re-tread my sneakers, and Tuesday will get you Friday, if you have a smile on yer face. Toodaloo! Ba!
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Tue, 09/20/2022 - 00:29 Permalink
Re: New York Pie Arrives: Joe’s Pizza Set to Open in Zhongjun...
Well yeah, actually after I gobbled down Joe's Pizza I found a box of raisons, sun dried an organic I believe, but I couldn't find any f*cjking d'etre, Finally it was found, stashed under the sink, next to the baby wipes.
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 12:51 Permalink
Re: New York Pie Arrives: Joe’s Pizza Set to Open in Zhongjun...
I have to admit, I did once eat Joe's Pizza. It was 3 am, Joe was passed out on the floor, Hairy Mary was on the couch, The whole rest of the gang was strewn about. There was a coupla slices sitting on counter top. With pineapple of all god-forsaken things. I gobbled em down, washed with about 3 half drunk beer bottles I managed to find without cigarette butts in them. Desparate times, desparate measures, I rationalized.
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 12:38 Permalink
Re: Weekend Comedy Show Lineup Changed
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Sun, 09/18/2022 - 17:44 Permalink
Re: Want to See Cool Bugs Up Close? Head to This Lufthansa...
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Sun, 09/18/2022 - 00:27 Permalink
Re: Submissions Are Open for the Jingkids Creative Writing...
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Sat, 09/17/2022 - 16:19 Permalink
Re: Weekend Comedy Show Lineup Changed
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Sat, 09/17/2022 - 16:12 Permalink
Re: Weekend Comedy Show Lineup Changed
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Sat, 09/17/2022 - 00:13 Permalink
Re: Weekend Comedy Show Lineup Changed
The show must goon. Goon away, goon with all celerity. Lickety split now, Hoppity scotch ba!
China Boy Submitted by Guest on Fri, 09/16/2022 - 22:06 Permalink
Re: Pay Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II: British Ambassador's...
I'm too far away to come to Beijing but on Monday I'll go to LiuHuaHu garden in Guangzhou and pay my respects at The Queen's tree that she planted in 1986. Long live the King!
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Fri, 09/16/2022 - 17:07 Permalink
Re: Pay Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II: British Ambassador's...
Eddie and Davey the kids from across the street had another nice trick which they employed when we were baling hay, which was to take a mouse which was hiding under hay bale, strap it to an elastic and a rock, throw it in a bucket of water and watch it struggle until bubbles came out of it's mouth and drowned. 12 year old kids. What does this say?
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Thu, 09/15/2022 - 23:08 Permalink
Re: Pay Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II: British Ambassador's...
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Thu, 09/15/2022 - 16:21 Permalink
Re: Pay Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II: British Ambassador's...
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 20:32 Permalink
Re: Pay Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II: British Ambassador's...
My ex- girlfriend killed herself with vodka and a bottle of anti-depressants at the age of 40.
I don't give a good gaddang fongk about the death of the `queen'. It means absolutely nothing to me.
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 08:34 Permalink
Re: A Few Events and Happenings to Keep You Entertained This...
BauLuo Submitted by Guest on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 08:28 Permalink
Re: How to Get a Chinese Driver's License, as of Sep 2022
Yeah, we just had one a them episodes here in my little town. Apparently there were two asymptomatic cases discovered in a village attendant to the main city and BAM, (as you correctly wrote) everybody in the city must get 3 tests in 3 day, then another test two days later. EVERYONE! If not ya get a red thingy on yer phone. If ya ain't got a smart phone, then ya just get a red dot tatooed onta yer forehead (okay, I'm making that part up) On campus, where I live, as well as many other teachers, teachers were allowed ingress and egress, supposedly for one hour a day. For some reason I have always gotten along well with baoan, and this rule was never applied to me. Day before announcement few people wearing masks. Day after, go to grocery store, everybody wearing a mask. Two days later, nobody wearing a mask. I don't think even Kafka could write a story like this.
As an aside, I wonder who it is that owns the businesses that make all the swabs, the masks, the testing labs etc affiliated with this. Consider all the (non-productive) money and energy that goes into running this show. 1.4 Billion people, all getting swabbed, masked, tested. Not to even mention the jabs.
That's alotta swabs. Last I checked ya can't eat a swab. But at least I am being kept safe. Whew, that's a load off my mind.