Want to See Cool Bugs Up Close? Head to This Lufthansa Mall Shop
I don’t know about you, but I’m never going to be that parent who voluntarily brings bugs into the house. But, that’s not to say that they’re not cool, because bugs are definitely fun!
In Haidian District, Natural World 自然界奇虫萌宠生活馆 is a museum/petting zoo that’s designed to get the kids excited and curious about all sorts of bugs and insects. It’s essentially a petting zoo for insects that most people have only ever seen on the Discovery Channel. We’re not talking about cockroaches and centipedes here. At Natural World they’ve got stuff like rhino-horned beetles, super shiny beetles that look almost too beautiful to be real, fireflies, butterflies, snakes, iguanas, and other things to keep everyone in the family intrigued for hours.
The best part about Natural World is how hands-on the place is. You get to see everything from behind a plate of glass if you want, but if you’re brave and curious enough, they let you take pet the insects and animals for yourself.
The guided tours are all conducted in Chinese and the staff explains everything in a way that’s suitable for 6 & 7-year-olds to understand which means, kids’ vocabulary and not too many hard to pronounce science-y words. The goal of this place isn’t just to dump information on people, it’s to spark curiosity and interest in kids (and adults alike). Though the center is open all day, the guided tours are at 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm from Mon-Fri.
They have plenty of kids’ activities throughout the place, like a sand pit where kids can dig up giant bugs with their tiny bare hands. This either sounds like a whole lot of fun, or could potentially be one of the most terrifying experiences one could ask for…These hands on activities will require additional fees. Each will cost around RMB50 to take part and is limited to approximately 30 minutes.
There's more to this story! This article was originally published on our sister site, Jingkids International.
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Images: Dianping, Douyin, Pexels
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Submitted by Guest on Sun, 09/18/2022 - 17:44 Permalink
Re: Want to See Cool Bugs Up Close? Head to This Lufthansa...
Well I didn't exactly invite them, they came of their own accord, but for about 4 years I lived in a tentlike structure that did not abjure the presence of insects. If they crawled on my face, 3 am ish, supposing I was awake and still sober, I gave them a stern talking to. Mostly I cohabited peacefully with bugs for 4 years, not even mentioning Hairy Mary and her family of crabs. But that's another story.I don’t know about you, but I’m never going to be that parent who voluntarily brings bugs into the house. But, that’s not to say that they’re not cool, because bugs are definitely fun!...It’s essentially a petting zoo for insects that most people have only ever seen on the Discovery Channel. (unquote)
Deliberately depriving your kids of fun? Sounds abusive to me. A petting zoo for bugs? I once got crabs and lice at a location not to be named save to say its was "vibrant and diverse." Turned out to be a scratching zoo for vermin.
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