BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:

thing bout reparations that is odd is nobody speaks about the northern reparations. Qing dynasty China had all the way to up to the mountains in Russia and the port city of Vladivostok. Buncha treaties in the 1860s took all that away. unequal treaties? i don know what that means. Ya win, ya lose. That's how things go.

BauLuo wrote:
ya but how do ya dicker with the thumb pressed on the weight scale? I actually own a scale. Smacked it down when girl told me i had bought a kilo of walnuts, I lifted the bag, said no fucking way this is a kilo, slapped down me scale, it was 530 grams. She never fucked with me after that.

Howcumizzit, that when I go buy a buncha veggies it costs me 20 kuai, when a zhongguoren it costs then 10 kuai? I tried this experiment, maybe 3 years into living in China. I bought a basic bunch of stuff, maybe it was 2 tomatoes, a cucumber, maybe an onion. I showed this melange to a girl friend. A girl friend, not a girlfriend. She went and bought the same stuff. She paid 10 kuai, I paid 20 kuai. Can someone explain this?

You need to get in there and dicker. Dicker long and hard and dicker the thicker, like you was John Holmes OD'ed on Viagara.

Either that or it's because you're a round-eye lao wai. Didn't you hear? You owe reparations. Which is what you get to call resentment when you got a PhD. Mark it well with a big ol' M (as in Marcuse, who cooked up a lot of today's stew.)

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

"The Jing" sounds smutty. Like a Paris streetwalker's lingo. "You make the jing-jing with Fifi, yes?" Try "The Bei." One envisions clipper ships gliding into a placid harbor, with Joe Conrad wiping his brogans after an ill-timed turn round the poop deck. "Lord Jim! Can't ye straddle the rail like a civilized swabbie?"

I used to jing regularly with Betty Lou down in Alabama. Only cost me 10 bucks and doctors fees.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
ya but how do ya dicker with the thumb pressed on the weight scale? I actually own a scale. Smacked it down when girl told me i had bought a kilo of walnuts, I lifted the bag, said no fucking way this is a kilo, slapped down me scale, it was 530 grams. She never fucked with me after that.

Howcumizzit, that when I go buy a buncha veggies it costs me 20 kuai, when a zhongguoren it costs then 10 kuai? I tried this experiment, maybe 3 years into living in China. I bought a basic bunch of stuff, maybe it was 2 tomatoes, a cucumber, maybe an onion. I showed this melange to a girl friend. A girl friend, not a girlfriend. She went and bought the same stuff. She paid 10 kuai, I paid 20 kuai. Can someone explain this?

You need to get in there and dicker. Dicker long and hard and dicker the thicker, like you was John Holmes OD'ed on Viagara.

Either that or it's because you're a round-eye lao wai. Didn't you hear? You owe reparations. Which is what you get to call resentment when you got a PhD. Mark it well with a big ol' M (as in Marcuse, who cooked up a lot of today's stew.)

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Howcumizzit, that when I go buy a buncha veggies it costs me 20 kuai, when a zhongguoren it costs then 10 kuai? I tried this experiment, maybe 3 years into living in China. I bought a basic bunch of stuff, maybe it was 2 tomatoes, a cucumber, maybe an onion. I showed this melange to a girl friend. A girl friend, not a girlfriend. She went and bought the same stuff. She paid 10 kuai, I paid 20 kuai. Can someone explain this?

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
a girl once tossed my salad, an I didn't even aks her to. goodness of her heart. I never shoulda dumped that girl.
Giovanni Martini wrote:

Actually I have a great deal of sympathy (heart- and brainfelt both) for vegetarianism. But WTF is with "plant-based"? It's awkward and pseudo-technical, like a monkey with an I-Phone 13. (Is it racist to say "monkey" when I mean a simmian-DNA based primate?) Why not just say "meatless'? "Veggie," even? What's next? The old word "language" shunted aside for "word-based communications medium"?

I was a vegetarian, (actually I ate clams as well) for at least 15 years, based on the idea that killing an animal for consumption was cruel. I was healthy as a horse, and thin as a rake. Very cheap living. 10 kilos of lentils, kilos of every root crop going, potatatos, carrots, beets, onions garlic, and etc tomatoes by the fistful. i haven't yet met a vegetable or a fruit i don't like to eat.

I could never figger it out. My ol' bachelor Uncle Ed. Ate spareribs and kielbasa like a pack of taiga timberwolves. But, regular as the rain in Spain, every month when he got his pension check, he'd be off to Bay City "to get my salad tossed." Why'd a man what lived for meat need to TRAVEL all day just for leafy comestibles? Then come the day li'l Gio stumbled onter and had his "OHHHHHHHH!" moment.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

"In fact, Danny’s own dog, M, has held the Guinness World Record for “Most Times to Catch a Frisbee in 3 Minutes” since 2011." (UNQUOTE)

The venue IS a fine establishment, as my dogs both agree. Still Danny's dog is a star canine jock? So? I hear tell Harry Potter was one hell of a catcher for Malfoy's delivery, but that still don't mean my kid is goin' to Hogwarts.

look China, not that i am Joe Biden, in which case i couldnt type. But it would be really nice if you could figure out cheese and black olives. you can grow olives all over the nanfang. Cheese is easy. Check it out.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

[quote=Giovanni Martini]

Actually I have a great deal of sympathy (heart- and brainfelt both) for vegetarianism. But WTF is with "plant-based"? It's awkward and pseudo-technical, like a monkey with an I-Phone 13. (Is it racist to say "monkey" when I mean a simmian-DNA based primate?) Why not just say "meatless'? "Veggie," even? What's next? The old word "language" shunted aside for "word-based communications medium"?

[/quotelisten this is very simple.. I want a bowl of chopped tomato, onion, cucumber and green pepper . mix this stuff , add some spices, maybe salt . add feta chesse, which I believe has an existance in China. Now in the great land of China is there no feta Cheese? Are there no black olives? aiya.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:

Actually I have a great deal of sympathy (heart- and brainfelt both) for vegetarianism. But WTF is with "plant-based"? It's awkward and pseudo-technical, like a monkey with an I-Phone 13. (Is it racist to say "monkey" when I mean a simmian-DNA based primate?) Why not just say "meatless'? "Veggie," even? What's next? The old word "language" shunted aside for "word-based communications medium"?

I was a vegetarian, (actually I ate clams as well) for at least 15 years, based on the idea that killing an animal for consumption was cruel. I was healthy as a horse, and thin as a rake. Very cheap living. 10 kilos of lentils, kilos of every root crop going, potatatos, carrots, beets, onions garlic, and etc tomatoes by the fistful. i haven't yet met a vegetable or a fruit i don't like to eat.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

哎呀, 、can no one in china figure out a Greek salad/? 4 basic ingredi/ents. Tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, onions,... all in roughly equally balance, . 然后加一点橄榄油和一点醋, 加东西

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

OMG. What a lie!

And stop deceiving people that a drink and tapas will only cost 15 RMB. Even though it sounds too good to be true, at least explain it clearer, if not it doesn't sound like there's any Tuesday special in your restaurant.

I'm trying to post a picture of your flyer that says that right here but for some reason it wouldn't let me post it.

quote.. `somethin about cold cars' ... now the only `cold cars' i have knowledge of is me dad's F150 at 5 am. February. Now `hot cars' I got to know about from Jovica, and we usually exchanged them at 3 am, out in a cornfield in Wainfleet.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:

By the way? What the hell is up with that Jerimiah was a bullfrog Jennie guy? Only articles that does not allow rabble like me to spill my venom. ( I should state, that i think that Jerimiah Jenne, writes well, lucidly, .... and a few other things. Meanwhile, I write madle, incomprehesnsively, sometimes drunkenly . However, I think deep thinkers must ken that the twain can meet. I think the Jeibinger needs to fall into a nearby river, an me an Giaomaccasin gotsa rub some elbows.

Our jittery Jerome is a sensitive soul methinks. Writes about interesting topics, but as thin-skinned as a new-incubated Antifa homunculus just decanted from the glassine phial.

`phial' wjat tje funk that is? we Enlish, non Slave folks say, and write `Vial' sometimmes we say and write an speak `vile' Where did yer head get scrwed on, down at the gas station, south a Demoisne.? Just wonderein, ... no personal insult intended, except obliquely .

Now calm down. Din't you see? TBJ is pimpin' Coffee Hot Dogs in Beer this week. Go imbibe a footlong with extra cream and suds.

Serioously, me and Jiacamo, we gotsa open our own wegsite. ` The Last Bastion' 'The Jeibinger' I want that Waqar optimistic guy on board. He can be the only source of reason. Me an Jiacomo can sling insanity froth an back so likety spitly. There is a market for this, I have checked the stats. Insane old white men are high on the appreciiation meter. He says a whole lotta shit I don't like. I probly think a whole lotsa shit he don't like. We talk about this. We come to conclusions. Is this civilization? Ba? We can do the Chinese duo Joesie Rogan show.

#1. I am funny (maybe) because it amuses me, not for pay. That way lies the long descent into turning children's party clown.

#2. You have to agree with me, at least in broad outline. I'm either right or I'm dead. But the days of discussion is past. "Reasonable compromise" is the tip of the camel's unlubed you-know-what.

Well might have to think about that. Being funny for money is the hallmark of advanced civililization. All civilizations actually. And the height of culture. Courst jesters i.e. It needn't be any kind of descent. Haven't you checks the brakes on yer shoes lately?

Secondly, no I have to disagree with you perpetually. That is the whole schtick. If you don't like the word schtick, then replace with premise. Except I think we should argue absolutely apposing viewpoints and switch them up daily, or at least weekly. Lets get this cognizant dissonance rolling ba!

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:

By the way? What the hell is up with that Jerimiah was a bullfrog Jennie guy? Only articles that does not allow rabble like me to spill my venom. ( I should state, that i think that Jerimiah Jenne, writes well, lucidly, .... and a few other things. Meanwhile, I write madle, incomprehesnsively, sometimes drunkenly . However, I think deep thinkers must ken that the twain can meet. I think the Jeibinger needs to fall into a nearby river, an me an Giaomaccasin gotsa rub some elbows.

Our jittery Jerome is a sensitive soul methinks. Writes about interesting topics, but as thin-skinned as a new-incubated Antifa homunculus just decanted from the glassine phial.

`phial' wjat tje funk that is? we Enlish, non Slave folks say, and write `Vial' sometimmes we say and write an speak `vile' Where did yer head get scrwed on, down at the gas station, south a Demoisne.? Just wonderein, ... no personal insult intended, except obliquely .

Now calm down. Din't you see? TBJ is pimpin' Coffee Hot Dogs in Beer this week. Go imbibe a footlong with extra cream and suds.

Serioously, me and Jiacamo, we gotsa open our own wegsite. ` The Last Bastion' 'The Jeibinger' I want that Waqar optimistic guy on board. He can be the only source of reason. Me an Jiacomo can sling insanity froth an back so likety spitly. There is a market for this, I have checked the stats. Insane old white men are high on the appreciiation meter. He says a whole lotta shit I don't like. I probly think a whole lotsa shit he don't like. We talk about this. We come to conclusions. Is this civilization? Ba? We can do the Chinese duo Joesie Rogan show.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Now i seriously thinkg me anJiacomosesm iism. we really gotsa start up our own paper. ower an that is. I think that Jiovojiacomo an I should bicker and argue bacl and fortyhy relentleslly on meanignlstful ideas, day an night? Is thera a market? Jeibinger here we come! 0v course we need a voice of sanity... I vote for Waqar... He can pipe in, maybe once a week, clearly distinguish how both me and Jiacamoses are clearly insane. Is this a marketing stratification ba? Can we make any money? I'm in fro 45 % . Jiacomoses, Waqar? ,,, poney up boys .
Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:

By the way? What the hell is up with that Jerimiah was a bullfrog Jennie guy? Only articles that does not allow rabble like me to spill my venom. ( I should state, that i think that Jerimiah Jenne, writes well, lucidly, .... and a few other things. Meanwhile, I write madle, incomprehesnsively, sometimes drunkenly . However, I think deep thinkers must ken that the twain can meet. I think the Jeibinger needs to fall into a nearby river, an me an Giaomaccasin gotsa rub some elbows.

Our jittery Jerome is a sensitive soul methinks. Writes about interesting topics, but as thin-skinned as a new-incubated Antifa homunculus just decanted from the glassine phial.

`phial' wjat tje funk that is? we Enlish, non Slave folks say, and write `Vial' sometimmes we say and write an speak `vile' Where did yer head get scrwed on, down at the gas station, south a Demoisne.? Just wonderein, ... no personal insult intended, except obliquely .

Now calm down. Din't you see? TBJ is pimpin' Coffee Hot Dogs in Beer this week. Go imbibe a footlong with extra cream and suds.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:

ya ever have that experience, when ya come to consciousness, and ya don't know what day it is , or what time it is, or where ya are... sometimes don't know your own name?

That's a sign from Heaven you're a son of the divine. Either that or you got R&R'ed--- roofied and rolled.

I got totally roofied in Prince George BC. Was on a treeplantin crew an we buncha days off in PG. Everbody washes clothes at luandry mart. I go next door to drink a quick pint at lonely bar, . Finish my pint and decide to go because laundry was probly done in dryer nex door. Injun sittin beside me says... `no, no don't leave, I'll by ya nother beer' I says no thanks, gotta go... by time in laudry mat 5 minutes later I was so fucked,... couldn't move, couldn't think and etc. (by the way, I know ya ain't spossed ta say `Injuns' but when you lived for a month at Takla Landing an bucked logs with Charles West all day, ya can call em Injuns) They got as much sense o humour me and Jiaocoma has. Probly more.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:

By the way? What the hell is up with that Jerimiah was a bullfrog Jennie guy? Only articles that does not allow rabble like me to spill my venom. ( I should state, that i think that Jerimiah Jenne, writes well, lucidly, .... and a few other things. Meanwhile, I write madle, incomprehesnsively, sometimes drunkenly . However, I think deep thinkers must ken that the twain can meet. I think the Jeibinger needs to fall into a nearby river, an me an Giaomaccasin gotsa rub some elbows.

Our jittery Jerome is a sensitive soul methinks. Writes about interesting topics, but as thin-skinned as a new-incubated Antifa homunculus just decanted from the glassine phial.

`phial' wjat tje funk that is? we Enlish, non Slave folks say, and write `Vial' sometimmes we say and write an speak `vile' Where did yer head get scrwed on, down at the gas station, south a Demoisne.? Just wonderein, ... no personal insult intended, except obliquely .

All my philtres go into phials, you phile little man.

the whole world knows that Candanastan started out as a penal colony for Great Britain's underclassed grammar-thugs. Types for whom unnatural spelling acts were a morbid delight.

That got some real guffaws. But I think you was thinking bout Australiastan. That's were we noble Brits sent our losers, loafers and idle rich mommas boy remittance men.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:

By the way? What the hell is up with that Jerimiah was a bullfrog Jennie guy? Only articles that does not allow rabble like me to spill my venom. ( I should state, that i think that Jerimiah Jenne, writes well, lucidly, .... and a few other things. Meanwhile, I write madle, incomprehesnsively, sometimes drunkenly . However, I think deep thinkers must ken that the twain can meet. I think the Jeibinger needs to fall into a nearby river, an me an Giaomaccasin gotsa rub some elbows.

Our jittery Jerome is a sensitive soul methinks. Writes about interesting topics, but as thin-skinned as a new-incubated Antifa homunculus just decanted from the glassine phial.

`phial' wjat tje funk that is? we Enlish, non Slave folks say, and write `Vial' sometimmes we say and write an speak `vile' Where did yer head get scrwed on, down at the gas station, south a Demoisne.? Just wonderein, ... no personal insult intended, except obliquely .

Now calm down. Din't you see? TBJ is pimpin' Coffee Hot Dogs in Beer this week. Go imbibe a footlong with extra cream and suds.

Upon a time, there I wuz, in a state of `in
Beer' and I believe I may have had foot long Coughy dog, but it weren't my fault.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

WaqarOptimist wrote:
BauLuo wrote:
Giovanni Martini wrote:
BauLuo wrote:

By the way? What the hell is up with that Jerimiah was a bullfrog Jennie guy? Only articles that does not allow rabble like me to spill my venom. ( I should state, that i think that Jerimiah Jenne, writes well, lucidly, .... and a few other things. Meanwhile, I write madle, incomprehesnsively, sometimes drunkenly . However, I think deep thinkers must ken that the twain can meet. I think the Jeibinger needs to fall into a nearby river, an me an Giaomaccasin gotsa rub some elbows.

Our jittery Jerome is a sensitive soul methinks. Writes about interesting topics, but as thin-skinned as a new-incubated Antifa homunculus just decanted from the glassine phial.

`phial' wjat tje funk that is? we Enlish, non Slave folks say, and write `Vial' sometimmes we say and write an speak `vile' Where did yer head get scrwed on, down at the gas station, south a Demoisne.? Just wonderein, ... no personal insult intended, except obliquely .

You can directly insult as well, one time and all will be fine then.

Thank God! Finally someone else besides Jiacomo, to join this non-melancholly foray into inanity! Good work, glad to see ya.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.