Dress Up, Chow Down: Burger Fest Meets Halloween

It's Juicy Burger Fest AND Halloween this weekend, and to celebrate we encourage you to come dressed in your best Halloween garb! Bonus points if it plays into this year's theme.

Journey to the West (西游记 Xī Yóujì) tells the tale of Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang's quest to India for sacred texts, complete with magic, dastardly adversaries, and his unforgettable companions: Pigsy, Sandy, and the legendary Sun Wukong (aka the Monkey King).

Most of the costumes you'll need can be easily sourced from Taobao (just type in the name). To help you get started, we've put together some costume ideas inspired by this year's theme. Happy hunting!

Monkey King (孙悟空 Sūn Wùkōng)

Undeniably one of the most adored characters from Journey to the West, this character holds a special place for every child who dreams of being a hero. We suggest flaunting a headband, swinging a golden rod prop, and perhaps even adding a furry tail!

Pigsy (猪八戒 Zhū Bājiè)

Here's another fan-favorite from the novel, renowned for his endearing grumbles and gripes whenever the Monkey King orders Pigsy to fetch food or battle monsters. Imagine the fun of sporting a Pigsy costume complete with pig nose, ears, and a rake (his weapon of choice in the story)

Tang Sanzang (唐三藏 Táng Sānzàng)

Or you could channel the wise shifu Tang Sanzang. Don a red robe, a Buddhist prayer bead necklace for authenticity, and to really nail the look, you could even carry a scripture roll. It's the perfect getup for Tang Sanzang!

Sandy (沙悟淨 Shā Wùjìng)

Often overshadowed by the two aforementioned companions, Sandy is still a fun character to emulate. To pull off his look, you'll need a blue robe and a bald cap. Don't forget a necklace of skulls or a monk's spade weapon to truly embody Sandy's character.

Goku (龙球悟空 Lóng Qiú Wùkōng)

You could play around with the theme of Journey to the West and dress up as Dragon Ball's Goku, whose character draws inspiration from the Monkey King. To nail this look, you'll need to sport Goku's iconic Orange gi, a martial arts uniform, complete with a blue undershirt, wristbands, and belt. Top it off with a spiky black wig to mimic Goku’s unique hairstyle.

Captain Jack Sparrow (杰克船长 Jiékè Chuánzhǎng)

Much like the Monkey King, Jack Sparrow is a clever trickster who relies on his wits to navigate challenges and often shuns conventional norms. To channel your inner pirate, don a costume that includes a weathered captain's coat, a white ruffled shirt, and distressed breeches. Don't overlook the quintessential tricorn hat and pirate boots!

Indiana Jones (印第安纳琼斯 Yìndìānnà Qióngsī)

Akin to Tang Sanzang, Indiana Jones is an explorer who embarks on epic quests to secure sacred artifacts. Imagine the thrill of stepping into the shoes of Indiana Jones at Burger Fest, adding a Western spin to the mix.

Dorothy Gale (桃乐丝·盖尔 Táolèsī · Gàiěr)

We're big fans of Wizard of Oz (绿野仙踪 Lǜyěxiānzōng), and just like the Journey to the West crew, Dorothy travels with a quirky group of companions, each grappling with their own personal hurdles. To capture Dorothy's style, opt for a blue and white Gingham dress, a white blouse, and a pair of glittery red shoes.

Food-themed Characters

And of course, our party wouldn't be complete without some food-themed characters! Whether you decide to dress as a hot dog (热狗 règǒu), a slice of pizza (皮萨片 pīsà piàn), or even a burger (汉堡 hànbǎo), you're sure to be a hit!

So, get ready to feast, dress up, and have a blast this weekend at the Burger Fest!

To stay up to date with all things burger related you can ask to be added to our Beijing Burger Lovers group chat. Just scan the QR code below to add TBJButler and ask to be added to the group!

The Beijinger's 2023 Juicy Burger Fest is happening on Friday, Oct 27 from 3pm-9pm and Saturday, Oct 28-Sunday, Oct 29 from 11am-9pm at Xidianjiyi FunsTown in Gaobeidian. Standard early bird tickets start at RMB 20/person and can be purchased by scanning the QR code in the poster.

READ: Juicy Burger Fest 2023 Is Coming Next Weekend, Oct 27-29

Images: Taobao, Uni You