This Questionnaire is Looking into Well-being During Lockdown

Lockdowns, semi-lockdowns, restrictions, rules and regulations... all of these have combined to create a headache for those residing in China and the world over, with studies showing that from March 2020 onwards, anxiety and depression increased and even doubled in some countries due to the pandemic.

One Beijing-based organization is trying to find out the effects of the pandemic and lockdowns in China, starting with a simple questionnaire. Engineering Wellbeing was founded with the mission of directing a new scientific approach to well-being, namely via a bio psychological method.

To achieve this mission, the organization offers seminars and team building exercises geared towards other companies and firms, in order to encourage better efficiency and, of course, well-being, in the workplace.

With this new initiative, the group is attempting to delve deeper into how the pandemic and restrictions associated with it are affecting people living and working in China in general, especially amid things like lockdowns and work from home requirements.

More of a scientific study than a survey, the questionnaire uses scales of well-being, resilience, organizational support and organizational commitment.

The results of the survey, which will be made public, will enable companies to see if there is a way to measure their impact on employees, and for the public to understand what effect lockdowns have on mental health. The results will also be compared to other studies done around the world.

Want to take part in the study? It's completely anonymous and all it takes is a few clicks and you're done. Just follow the link here and get answering! The survey will end this coming Monday (Jun 6).

READ: Consult This List for Mental Health Resources in Beijing

Images: Zoltan Tasi (via Unsplash), the Beijingers


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[quote=Giovanni Martini]


The only things much worth reading here is Mandarin Mondays,where i actually learn interesting aspects of Chinese language, Gin Martini, and Me. Somebody give me my money back!! oh, wait, I ain't spent no f*cki*N money. Cary on then, just cary on. I'm sure somebody will give you some money.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Humour, satire, mocking, derision.... that seems like a good path out of this malady.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Look, there ain't much you can do to me besides nails through my hands, hangwise, or a bullet through my C2 or C1. Therefore my well-being is hunkydory, though wondering a bit about why you should care. The Beijinger is concerned about my well-being? Really? An APP to check up and make sue of my weal?

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.