Registration Now Open for China AIDS Walk on the Great Wall

In China, it is said that "one who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero" (不到长城非好汉 bù dào chángchéng fēi hǎohàn). Well, they certainly cannot say that about you if you have been to the Great Wall to support prevention, treatment, and care of HIV/AIDS in China!

That’s right, sign-ups are now open for the annual China Aids Walk, which this year takes place on Nov 30 (sign up here) just ahead of World AIDS Day on Dec 1. Every year, hundreds of attendees flock to the wall to raise money to help end AIDS and discrimination. So far, the event has raised RMB 1.6 million, but much more is needed to put a stop the disease and the stigma once and for all.

The event raises hundreds of thousands of renminbi each year

“We are still a long way to go before we finally end AIDS and discrimination,” says Martin Yang, director of China AIDS Walk. “With upcoming progress and technological development, we might be able to end the HIV transmission soon, but discrimination will be a lot harder to fight against. That's why China AIDS Walk has been raising awareness and funding continuously for the past eight years.”

In fact, China AIDS Walk does more than just raise money. They also get down in the trenches to provide training, workshops, and small grants to support community-based NGOs and young people.

They hope that you will join the fight this year, not only by walking but also by discussing AIDS with those closest to you. As Yang puts it, “We ask each individual to take the time to talk to their friends and family, explain why it's important to support the AIDS Walk financially and physically. When people come out to the walk on the Great Wall, it is a demonstration of community solidarity, our resolution to fight against the discrimination, and to assure people living with HIV that we are here for them."

How to participate

Each registrant is advised to raise RMB 500 in money or gifts to donate to the cause. Sign-up for the event includes transportation to and from the Great Wall, a ticket onto the Great Wall, travel insurance for the day, basic walking supplies (bottled water, etc.), tea and snacks in the afternoon, and an official China AIDS Walk 2019 gift bag.

READ: Meet the Beijing Organization Giving Second Chances to Children in Need

Images courtesy of China AIDS Walk