Think Like a Free Rabbit With These Chinese Animal Kingdom Expressions
In both Western and Chinese cultures, we hold stereotypes about certain animals. For example, pigs are considered to be lazy, foxes sneaky, and donkeys stupid… But there are plenty of differences too, and it can be particularly illuminating to understand how a culture perceives its animals.
As such, we've gathered some Mandarin animal-related expressions that give us fun insight into how China views the animal kingdom.
熊市 xióngshì
Literal meaning: Bear market
Actual meaning: A market when stock prices are falling
熊孩子 xióng háizi
Literal meaning: Bear cubs
Actual meaning: Naughty children
菜鸟 cài niǎo
Literal meaning: Lame bird
Actual meaning: A rookie
关你鸟事 guān nǐ niǎo shì
Literal meaning: It’s your bird’s business
Actual meaning: It’s none of your business
乌鸦嘴 wūyā zuǐ
Literal meaning: Crow's mouth
Actual meaning: A person who jinxes something or someone
馋猫 chánmāo
Literal meaning: Greedy cat
Actual meaning: Someone who is greedy (especially for food)
夜猫子 yèmāozi
Literal meaning: Night cat
Actual meaning: Someone who stays up late (a night owl)
猫尿 māo niào
Literal meaning: Cat urine
Actual meaning: Alcohol
吹牛 chuīniú
Literal meaning: Blow away a cow
Actual meaning: To brag
牛市 niúshì
Literal meaning: Bull market
Actual meaning: A market where stock prices are rising (as opposed to bear market, see below)
黄牛 huángniú
Literal meaning: Yellow cattle
Actual meaning: A scalper
哈巴狗 hǎbāgǒu
Literal meaning: Pug dog
Actual meaning: Someone who is good at flattering others
落水狗 luòshuǐgǒu
Literal meaning: A dog falling into water
Actual meaning: A person (usually bad by nature) who has fallen in life circumstances and social standing
走狗 zǒugǒu
Literal meaning: Running dog
Actual meaning: Someone who is good at flattering others
笨驴 bèn lǘ
Literal meaning: A stupid donkey
Actual meaning: A stupid person, or 'ass'
倔驴 juè Lǘ
Literal meaning: A stubborn donkey
Actual meaning: A stubborn person

铁公鸡 tiěgōngjī
Literal meaning: Iron rooster
Actual meaning: A stingy person
落汤鸡 luòtāngjī
Literal meaning: A chicken falling into soup
Actual meaning: A lighthearted way to describe someone who has gotten wet from a downpour
马马虎虎 mǎmǎ hǔhǔ
Literal meaning: Horse-horse tiger-tiger
Actual meaning: Just so-so, nothing special
拍马屁 pāimǎpì
Literal meaning: Slap the horse's rump
Actual meaning: To flatter someone
马尿 mǎ niào
Literal meaning: Horse urine
Actual meaning: Alcohol
胆小如鼠 dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ
Literal meaning: As timid as a mouse
Actual meaning: A timid person
懒猪 lǎn zhū
Literal meaning: Lazy pig
Actual meaning: A lazy person
笨猪 bèn zhū
Literal meaning: Stupid pig
Actual meaning: A stupid person
动如脱兔 dòng rú tuō tù
Literal meaning: A free rabbit
Actual meaning: Someone who is agile and fast
色狼 sèláng
Literal meaning: Colored wolf
Actual meaning: A sexual pervert, or 'horndog'
狼吞虎咽 lángtūn hǔyàn
Literal meaning: Swallow like a wolf or tiger
Actual meaning: To gorge oneself, or 'wolf down' one's food
READ: Learn How to Speak Like Chinese Animals With These Beastly Onomatopoeia
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Submitted by Guest on Sun, 06/26/2022 - 22:41 Permalink
Re: Think Like a Free Rabbit With These Chinese Animal...
Beware the tonal difference between 野猫 and 夜猫,the former of which, when applied to a female of the human species, may connote, um, a woman that likes to have, um, lots of male, `friends'. Ya, that's right, the ones with benefits. I found this out the hard way.
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