Wear Flip-Flops & Shorts At Suzie Wong's This Friday


The number of people who stop you around Chaoyang West Gate to ask for directions to Suzie Wong’s tells you that the club’s popularity has never waned, despite the fact that it’s nearly as old as some of the patrons of nearby Juicy. One thing that has always got us about Suzie’s, though, especially in the summer, is their dress code: “No shorts for men, no flip-flops for all.” Well, for one night only, that rule is being thrown out the window.

Summer Fiesta, on July 20, is breaking the rules. The dress code is shorts and flip-flops but they’re encouraging sandals and bikinis too. There will also be carnival games and what Las Vegas casinos call “games of skill.” Honestly, it’s worth the RMB 100 entry just to wear shorts in Suzie’s. This is an opportunity not to be missed. Go, photograph it and plaster it all over your social media – you were there.
