Talking Pints Extra: Calvin Harris Refunds, Prodigy Nostalgia and Mike Simonetti

It's weekend time again, so here's another rundown of where you can be going to get yourself in bother this Friday and Saturday. And, if you were among those shut out at Calvin Harris last weekend, news of how the organizers propose to make up for the chaos.

The Calvin Harris gig last weekend was the talk of the town, but not for all the right reasons. Tickets were oversold, resulting in crowding outside venue The One Club, with masses of ticketholders being shut out. Fans were understandably furious, and there were a few outbreaks of violence.

In the aftermath of the event, the initial response from promoters Cool DJ Agency was to announce that they would move both of their March events - Pendulum (Mar 10) and Paul Kalkbrenner (Mar 17) – to Tango. However, they've also followed up with a pledge to refund anyone who bought a ticket and couldn't get into The One Club for Calvin Harris.

Those who bought tickets which went unused can claim a refund on their ticket, a free ticket to either Pendulum or Paul Kalkbrenner, and one free drink at whichever of the two events they choose. Anyone who had an invitation ticket but could not get in is eligible for a free ticket to either Pendulum or Paul Kalkbrenner. To claim refunds, visit, contact 132 4111 1270 or email

Back to this weekend, and on Friday night, M.Ross, Nassdak, The Pipesmokers and Bite-size Buddha play Housing The Bar at Migas (free, 9pm). See our interview with M.Ross here.

Also on Friday, former Prodigy man Leeroy Thornhill brings music for the by-now-thoroughly-jilted generation to Yugong Yishan. That'll be RMB 100 on the door, and doors open around 9pm. Good excuse for playing an old Prodigy video, so here you go ...

Down at Haze on Friday, Nick Curly is touring his debut album. That's RMB 100 on the door.

On to Saturday, and there's Clubbed to Death at Haze (free, 9pm), Eddie's Weekend with Eddie Lv and Mickey Zhang at Mo Lounge (free, 10pm) and, er, a Hawaiian Tiki party at Modernista. Always something crazy going on up there, it seems.

One more thing for Saturday, with New York dance scene legend Mike Simonetti playing The Bar at Migas. In our February issue, we mistakenly referred to him as an "Italian master." Simonetti is not Italian. The latter part we stand by. Simonetti is here for the latest Dance Dangereux event, with entry RMB 60 and the night getting underway around 10pm.

Finally, you might have seen him at Tango towards the end of last year, but if not, Beijing-based singer-songwriter-musician-and-more Chronmaster (aka Jordan Thomas Mitchell) has just released Glitter, Shimmer, Die, his new album and first under the Chronmaster name. He describes it as "A fair blend of hip-hop, electro and pop." See for yourself here.

OK, that's all. I'm already out for the weekend. See you around maybe.

PHOTO: Abdel Beldy


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Boiing!!! Lol classic... good choice!