Puck Me, Free Beer! Stella-For-Goals at Grinders

The Vancouver Canucks kick off their NHL Playoff campaign against the Chicago Blackhawks on Thursday morning at 10am Beijing time, and Grinders boss Trevor Metz is so excited about his team's prospects that he seems to have forgotten he's running a business.

Metz tells us he'll give away free pints of Stella Artois for every goal scored by the Canucks in the Playoffs. That's free pints. Of Stella. Of course, you have to actually be in Grinders during the games to qualify for the deal.

A great deal it is though, and with the Canucks the highest-scoring team in the NHL this season, a brave one for Trevor to put on. Assuming you don't have a real job to do, get down to Grinders now - or head down for any other games in the Canucks-Blackhawks series - and wait for the goals to come. Just remember to do the decent thing and buy at least one drink to get you started. Grinders is opening at 9am for 10am games. When the series moves to Chicago and games start at 8am, Metz tells us he'll open at 7am for groups that can confirm at least 10 people will be coming.

If free Stella isn't enough to tempt you to go down to Shuangjing to watch the games, the Irish Volunteer is also showing Playoff games.