Blog Tag - Ice Hockey

OlymPicks: Covid Seals the Deal: NHL Says No to Beijing 2022
In OlymPicks, we highlight news, gossip, and developments regarding the buildup to Beijing's 2022 Winter Olympics. NHL officially closes the door on...
OlymPicks: Q&A With Beijinger & China Ice Hockey Team Member Simon Chen
In OlymPicks, we highlight news, gossip, and developments regarding the buildup to Beijing's 2022 Winter Olympics. China's national ice hockey team...
OlymPicks: NHL Players Will Return for 2022, 2026 Olympics
OlymPicks, we highlight news, gossip, and developments regarding the buildup to Beijing's 2022 Winter Olympics. NHL to participate in next two...
 OlymPicks: China Adds Skiing and Bobsleigh for Record-Setting Event Total at 2022 Olympics
OlymPicks is an ongoing blog series whereby we highlight news, gossip, and developments regarding the buildup to Beijing's 2022 Winter Olympics. ...
NHL Hockey in China 2018
The NHL is to return to China this September with a pre-season match between the Boston Bruins and the Calgary Flames in Shenzhen and Beijing. League...
Olympic Picks: From the Slopes to Ice Rinks, China's Youngsters and Elite are Gearing Up for the Games
While we in Beijing keep looking towards Olympics 2022, the IOC is still sorting out the winners of 2008, and yesterday netted one of the biggest...
Say Hello to Beijing's Newest Pro Sports Team: Kunlun Redstar of the Russian Ice Hockey League
Ice Hockey is by no means mainstream in China, but Beijing's winter sports proponents are steadily skating toward their goal of changing that fact...
Same as Sochi: Beijing Olympic Winter Games Confirms Sports for 2022 Event
The 2022 Olympic Winter Games will feature the same seven winter sports as the 2014 Sochi games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said,...
Beijinger Song Andong Becomes First Chinese-Born Player Selected in NHL Draft
Beijinger Song Andong became the first Chinese-born player ever selected in the National Hockey League (NHL) draft, when the New York Islanders chose...
Hutongs and Hockey Pucks: Third Annual Pond Hockey Tournament Faces Off Friday
Hutong dwellers will surely do double takes this weekend, as Beijing’s hockey lovers skate and stick handle their way across Houhai lake.  "Many...
Winter Wonder: Making the Most of Frozen Beijing
Beijing gets cold during winter. There, we’ve said it. No need to go on about it - most places do. No need to grumble about it either. It’s part of...
The Puck Drops Here
It’s East Coast versus West Coast as the Boston Bruins battle the Vancouver Canucks for the Stanley Cup. In 12 hours (Thrusday 8am), early risers and...
Talking Balls: Canuck Puck Fest
Hockey fans will know that it's NHL Playoffs time but they may not know that the Vancouver Canucks faithful have made one Beijing bar their own....
Puck Me, Free Beer! Stella-For-Goals at Grinders
The Vancouver Canucks kick off their NHL Playoff campaign against the Chicago Blackhawks on Thursday morning at 10am Beijing time, and Grinders boss...