Ending Today: Get this TBJ Coffee Sampler Before It’s Gone!

Nothing beats a cold cup of coffee on a hot summer day, but how about skipping the iced coffee – honestly, it’s a bit too watered down for our taste – and opting for ice drip cold brew?

What is ice drip cold brew, you ask? Essentially made by letting ice cold water drip over ground coffee to extract a quality brew. It’s a lot like cold brew but without all the gritty mouthfeel – just flavorful, stronger coffee with less acidity.

We’re bringing ice drip cold brew to you with an exclusive flash sale! This special package – featuring a Hero Ice Drip Coffee Kit, four 200g bags of premium coffee beans, a Beijinger dark walnut spoon, and ice cube tray – is available for purchase ‘til 5pm today!

The beans come from some of China’s best coffee shops and roasteries – Café Flatwhite, Fox Fur Coffee, Ocean Grounds and, a very special cold brew blend by SOFASOGOOD – guaranteeing a different cup every time.

Altogether, the drip coffee kit (an RMB 248 value) beans, spoon, ice cube tray would set you back RMB 619, but with our special 24 percent discount, it’s all yours for just RMB 468, shipped anywhere in China!

Get yours fast though, there are less than 100 available! Scan the QR below to buy today!

Images: the Beijingers, courtesy of participating brands