8 Halloween Costumes That Will Have Your Friends Running Away in Embarrassment, Not Fear
Every social circle has one: that friend that just embarrasses themselves with their Halloween costume selection. If you can't think of the guy or gal in your friends group that leaves everyone shaking their head instead of shaking with fear, then it is most likely you who needs to wise up. Let it be known: if you dress as any of these things you should be judged and your friends should banish you until you do better next year.
RELATED: The Best of Beijing's 2016 Halloween Happenings
Trump Mask (see above)
Nobody wants to be reminded of who is probably the worst person in the world. We know it's topical, but we don't want to be spending our Halloween evenings trying to chat up Trump or trying to shake a Trump trying to chat us up (or even worse yet, grope us, cos ya know, that's cool). And, this warning doesn't mean it's okay to show up in a Clinton mask.
Toilet Paper Mummies
Although extremely convenient if you're spending Halloween in the hutongs ("shit, I forgot my toilet paper! Oh wait ...) this is not only terrible for the environment but also messy and overdone. Zero creativity points for you.
Ramen Box
The fangbianmian man. It's definitely not the worst costume on this list, but it could be better. We don't even like instant noodles that much anyway, and your obnoxious box/cup only gets in the way as the bar gets busier with time.
Panda Onesie
I am personally always guilty of this one (two years in a row, to be honest): once the temperatures start to turn, absolutely nothing could possibly be more comfortable than a fluffy panda onesie. There's only enough bamboo for one cute panda in this town!
Sexy Kitten Ears
This doesn't require much explanation, but anything related to sexy felines falls in roughly the same category as vampire teeth. You might be DTF but you also look DAF.
Playboy Bunny
Rather similar to the sexy kitten outfit, this Halloween costume doesn't leave a good impression on us: forget the sexy, go with something imaginative instead. And no, we don't mean a sexy nurse/cheerleader/French maid costume.
Scream Mask
The Scream mask was overplayed before Scream 2 even had a chance to come out the following year. If you see some goober wearing this mask, you have the right to present him (it will always be a him) with the most generic and least scary costume award.
The Glory Hole
While we hadn't even realized this was actually a costume anybody would wear (or make for that matter), following our search for the worst Halloween costumes on the Internet we have to conclude that this is absolutely the worst ever. Don't do this, please, and don't think a Trump mask makes it acceptable.
Stick with the Beijinger for great Beijing-inspired costume ideas coming your way this week and browse the best spooky Beijing events here.
More stories by this author here.
Email: margauxschreurs@truerun.com
Instagram: s.xuagram
Photos: kisselpasso.com, rawstory.com, asos.com, alicdn.com, septiemiezone.com, theme-me.com
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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 09:28 Permalink
Re: 8 Halloween Costumes That Will Have Your Friends Running...
Drunk pikachus are also an embarrassment.
Yes! Terrible Pokemon costumes are also not allowed. Good ones, however ...
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 10/19/2016 - 20:05 Permalink
Re: 8 Halloween Costumes That Will Have Your Friends Running...
Where can I see a girl dressed up like the playboy bunny in person?
Scott DeVoy Su
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 10/19/2016 - 18:39 Permalink
Re: 8 Halloween Costumes That Will Have Your Friends Running...
Drunk pikachus are also an embarrassment.
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