Orphans Saved: Charity Super Quiz Grand Total

Thanks to everyone who came to the Beijinger Charity Super Quiz 2012 last Sunday (Dec 9) at the Hilton Beijing's Infinity Ballroom. Hundreds of Beijing's finest quizzers took the challenges laid down by the city's quizmasters in the name of a good cause. The reason for the evening was Ping An Medical Foster Home, a local NGO devoted to getting orphans the vital medical care they need to live a full, healthy life. Your generosity raised RMB 23,540. That's a total that can make a real difference, and we'll be sure to tell you how once Ping An decide how to use it. Read on for to find out who took the plaudits and to see more photos from the event.

Girls With Low Self Esteem (pictured above) were the winners of the quiz. An internet-based round of applause for them. They were followed by second-placed Raiders of the Lost Chuan'r and third-placed Bus Wankers. Well done to all of the teams who participated.

Thanks also to the quizmasters for their sterling interrogation work on the night: Josh (Lush), Tao (Kro's Nest), Karl (Paddy's), Julian & Adrian (Tim's), Richard (Plan B), Alex (The Brick), Pat's friend (The Green Cap) and Charlie (The Stumble Inn).

Thanks also to all of the sponsors who helped with the event: Vandergeeten, Hilton Beijing, Sherpa's, Toni & Guy, The Wine Republic, Fairmont Hotel Beijing and Dongwen TCM Clinic. A special mention to Kro's Nest and Lush for their donations.

That's all for now on the Charity Super Quiz, save to say that we're delighted that you've all helped Ping An out so much. We'll keep you up-to-date with how your donation progresses and we'll have news on next year's Charity Super Quiz to boot. Stay socially conscious.

Photo: Lova


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Your comments about the picture are noted. That was most publishable photo of the winning team - and we thought that you'd want to see what the smartest pub quiz team in Beijing looks like. I guess that even people who think that bottle phalluses are hilarious can donate to charity.

We'll soon have a post up on how the funds raised at last year's Charity Super Quiz have been used by Ping An Medical Foster Home to change children's lives. We'll be handing over this year's donation to them before the end of the year and we will keep you all posted on how they use that.

Thanks again to everyone who took part.

Jonathan White, Managing Editor the Beijinger/TheBeijinger.com

hat to look a gift horse in the mouth, but i was just about to say the same thing about Mr Beard there.

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers


all clowns...

@phugiyama, I totally agree with you. But I'm sure the issue is not lack of attention or little care. They just don't care at all.Welcome to China.

Nice short piece on charity is marred by the photo that shows a guy mimicking a penis with a wine bottle.

That's really the best photo you have? Classy.

Hopefully that's not the one they'll use to show the orphans the nice people who helped raise funds for them.

Being an expat doesn't equate to leaving integrity back in the homeland.

Editors, I realize deadline pressures are killers, but a little more attention to detail please.