Boogers and phlegm

BB's picture BB
Joined: May 09, 2005
Posts: 30

Sitting here drinking their good happy hour deal. Watched a waiter cough and hack up a huge wad of phlegm then spit in the potted plant next to us... Then the chef was hanging put of the food window from the kitchen for 2 minutes digging in hos nose for boogers. Ignoring the fact that we were staring right at him and making horrified gasps. Ew.


Glad to hear you will take it seriously. We regularly enjoy your happy hour and food specials and I was looking forward to going back for those ribs again. No need for free stuff. Just good luck with the training and emphasis on personal hygiene. On that note, there is never soap or hand washing products in the public bathrooms which customers and staff have to use at Q Mex, so I do hope there is a hand washing system in place in the restaurant. Watching the chef with his finger all the way up his nose was seriously disconcerting.

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