Reviewed by brendenbarritt on Tue, 06/03/2014 - 15:32 brendenbarritt brendenbarritt Joined: Jun 20, 2011 Posts: 68 Review of Yonghegong Lama Temple 3 Title says it all 229 reads 1 comments Comments boomerang Submitted by Guest on Sun, 11/19/2017 - 16:33 Permalink Nice spot Actually it is very cheap on about $4 and there are a lot of unique statues, mandalas and artistry within the grounds. It is a great spot to visit. It is easy to locate and you can take a train there to avoid traffic. Log in or register to post comments Validate your mobile phone number to post comments.
boomerang Submitted by Guest on Sun, 11/19/2017 - 16:33 Permalink Nice spot Actually it is very cheap on about $4 and there are a lot of unique statues, mandalas and artistry within the grounds. It is a great spot to visit. It is easy to locate and you can take a train there to avoid traffic. Log in or register to post comments
Nice spot
Actually it is very cheap on about $4 and there are a lot of unique statues, mandalas and artistry within the grounds. It is a great spot to visit. It is easy to locate and you can take a train there to avoid traffic.
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