I've only been to the location on Xiushui Nanjie and without a doubt it is a garbage dump.
1. Interior is grungy and hasn't been cleaned, let alone updated, since the 1970s. Yes, there is a big-screen TV, but that area is usually monopolized by the restaurant's bread business or else three grungy old Chinese drunks.
2. The waitresses are spastic. Although if you keep it simple they usually will not screw up your order, they are slow, unfriendly and forgetfull. When the two waitresses are busy, there are two older ladies who also work in the restaurant as, it appears, supervisors. One may even be Paul's wife. They are usually too busy running their bread business to wait on customers.
3. The food is ok. I usually only have the breakfast and it's pretty difficult to screw up bacon, eggs and toast. But they often do. The bacon seldom even approaches warm.
4. Smoking. The inside atmosphere is disgusting. Although it is illegal to allow smoking in any restaurant in Beijing, since Paul himself is a chain smoker the restaurant actively encourages smoking. If you ask any of the management or staff if it is ok to smoke, they will tell you it is fine and then provide you an ashtray. Someone needs to notify the health department.
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Re: Paul's American Steak & Eggs: It's a Shithole
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