Went there last Sunday to see a show that some friends of mine were in. I paid 170 Yuan for a ticket which was supposed to include two cocktails. Sat down, the rather nice looking girl next to me went to the bar and came back with a double whiskey which she told me she got on her ticket. I went to the bar and asked for whiskey and they told me no way. Went back and sat down to watch the show, a bit disgruntled. The waiter came over and gestured at my ticket and asked if I would like a drink. Whiskey, I said. The girl next to me leaned over helpfully and showed him her whiskey and said "He'll have what I'm having". The waiter made an elaborate hand gesture which roughly translated as "No way". At that point I felt effectively thrown out so I left. They took 170 Yuan from me and gave me nothing. I wouldn't have minded if they had one rule and stuck to it, but I was discriminated against on the grounds of age and gender, I fear.
I will never ever go there again. I would give it no stars if I could.
- 870 reads
Re: Horrible place
I went there new years last year and it was just AWFUL! AWFUL! boring as hell and impossible to get a drink at the bar, you would think given the insane prices i.e. 100 kuai beer they could afford more than one bar tender.
the place is also packed with prostitutes and depressing old men.
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