my eyes hurt! don't ever go to sanlitun branch

Joined: Dec 07, 2010
Posts: 9

I've just had an eyebrow wax and a eyelash tint (ouch)!

I will never ever go back here...and would recommend to anyone never to come here

The eyebrow wax was ok..ish... After waxing the woman who speaks poor english never thought of cleansing or soothing the brows after waxing...she went to a manager at the end and I had to ask for this

She then took my makeup off with horrible itchy tissues. Her hands were warm so I doubt she washed her hands

As she started the tint - she asked me to close my eyes - ouch...she was heavy handed...i didn't like it so I asked her to stop!

she put loads of water on them...

My eyes are still stinging

Very unprofessional...

maybe the other branches are better...I wouldn't risk it (!)