Meh. And don't count on getting change.

Joined: Feb 19, 2008
Posts: 6
Review of

Was there Saturday night, also heard nothing about free drinks for ladies.

The renovations are nice, but the music is iffy-- we'd generally return to our seats every other song or so. And drinks had little variety, and few decent selections under 50 kuai.

Also, 8 of us had a table, and myself and a friend both ordered 48 kuai cocktails. I paid the waiter 100 yuan. Our cocketails came, but the 4 kuai in change never did. Granted, it's only 4 yuan, not really worth arguing over, but it does bother me that the staff is so dishonest as to not return 4 yuan in change. They weren't busy at this time, so I doubt my 4 yuan was simply "forgotten."


I been in the same situation last week at this bar too. I gave the money to the guys behind the bar ( who's take my order) and he just disappear to the other side of the bar. I didn't get my change back since someone think that's he should keep the change...sigh!!

Temptations is my favourite sin

Tait, I appreciate a manager like you that actually comes foward and takes responsability, it's not common to see.

To solve all your issues, i think the only solution is to change your staff, I found even greater problems than these 2 guys, when i went last thursday, I had to haggle and a friend of mine had to pay 2 times because "he didn't pay the round" as it was over 200 yuan the round and not to drunk, I don't think my friend was wrong. Sorry to tell you this kind of stuff.

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