Worst Mie Goreng I have ever tried!

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Joined: Feb 16, 2009
Posts: 80
Review of Bali Papaya

I just came back from Indonesia and I can say that Bali Papaya does not serve Indonesian food.
I tried Soto Ayam, Mie Goreng, Nasi Goreng and Bali Chicken. It did not taste like Indonesian food at all.
Prices are very high and food is very bad.

In Indonesia, 10RMB Mie Goreng tasted better than 48RMB Mie Goreng from Bali Papaya.
Is it so complicated to make it good? Egg noodles, veggies, kecap, chicken, krupuk and egg.

If Bali Papaya has an Indonesian chef, he must be a UIBE student who never finished any cooking class.

I miss Indonesian food so bad! Unfortunately, there is no place in Beijing to eat it!