I love the annual book fair

Joined: Aug 15, 2008
Posts: 39
Review of Ditan Park

This park is just like any other parks in Beijing, but what I like about it is the annual book fair every autumn. Too bad they dont make much promotion so I missed it for the last 2 years (or maybe every beijingers knows about this already and dont need promotion). The books there are 90% Chinese but if you're learning Chinese, you can pick up some nice children books about Tang Dynasty Poem, Sanzijing, and ROTK for elementary school students, ROTK for high school students, ROTK for adults etc. Cookbooks are very very cheap there (10kuai for 3 books). And if you cant read them, they also sell dictionaries in discounted price. After walking around the park, nice tea/dimsum house (jindingxuan) is just beside the park...