BBQ and Beer

Joined: Mar 23, 2010
Posts: 319
Review of Yu Ling Dao

One of my favorite places to BBQ plates of meat, some veg and potatoes. Along with several beers.

This is not your usual Korean joint. Don't come here expecting a traditional meal. You don't get all the usual side dishes, salads, and all other plates that fill the table aside from what you order. There's a free salad. I stick to the front of the menu and just order items to barbecue and there are some delicious choices (spicy beef, duck breast, and bacon are some of the best). There are additional Korean dishes further into the menu, but I've never gone for those.

Stick with meat and get some beers, or baijou- theres a full page with over 20+ baijou choices followed by 3 beers. That should give some idea of what place this is.

Neither is it the cleanest. The C rating is proudly displayed across from the entrance. It's part of the place's charm, and I've never had any issues with the food or sickness.

It's a popular Chinese place so be prepared to wait any night of the week. It's a great place especially with winter setting in, especially if you want to throw back the beers, do a bit of barbecue and watch people around you drinking baijou like its water


bai jiu

Irish coffee, and Irish car bomb
A fat drunk jew starts singing this song
I take a closer look and the fat guy is me
So I buy him a shot, and he buys me back three

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