It's nice to have a huge park that's relatively accessible to the greater CBD, but the kids' rides section near the south gate is a bit over-the-top. Not only are the rides themselves overpriced, but the overabundance of vehicle traffic (carts, electric trams, pedi-carriages, even speeding cars) makes walking through this area with a toddler a bit hazardous. The constant barrage of barkers and hawkers (food vendors, insurance salesmen, people giving out samples, and even friggin' Zhongnanhai cigarettes doing some marketing PR campaign in a kids' park - nice) makes me want to get out of this part of the park as soon as possible.
If you're looking for some space and relative tranquility, stick with the western and southern portions of the park, where you can find open lawns, the big manmade lake and some actual trees.
BTW - consider this review rating 2.5 stars
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