I've been to Ajisen more times than I can count. It's cheap, fast, and has gruff service. You get what you pay for. The best thing about Ajisen for me is that the greasy, oily food pairs well with the reasonably priced bottles of Asahi beer on the menu.
I was disappointed by my last visit to Ajisen over the weekend. Along with our meal, I ordered a can of Coke for 6 kuai. The waitress brought out a partially chilled Coke with a plastic straw tucked into the top. Since I'm past the third grade and I don't typically sip my soda out of the can with a straw, I asked her to bring over a glass with some ice in it. The waitress then explained that it's 3 kuai extra for a glass with ice.
Whatever, I politely responded, please just bring it to me. When I mai dan-ed, however, I discovered that on my check, there was no line item for "玻璃杯", "冰块" or anything similar. There was, however, a line for "卤蛋".
I'm wondering, did I get scammed by the waitress? Did she resent that the finicky laowai wanted ice which would mess up the balance of qi ? I feel that if it were common practice for Ajisen to add 3 kuai for ice in a glass, they'd have an entry for it in their computers. I think I encountered a passive aggressive waitress who felt the need to punish customers by adding unusual surcharges to the bill.
I'll be back to Ajisen, but I'm going to stick with beer.
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Re: Scammed at Ajisen? ¥6 for Coke + ¥3 for glass of ice
Hope you've recovered from this horrific experience.
The classic 3 quai scam, I feel for you, bro.
That waitress must be ROLLING in dough.
Re: Scammed at Ajisen? ¥6 for Coke + ¥3 for glass of ice
Nice pic, ctorres. Sex Drive is quite the entertaining movie.
I don't think it was necessarily a scam. Maybe it's new policy to charge for ice. It's too much trouble for them to change the computer bill system so they just charged you for 卤蛋. It's easy and changing prices, menus, etc seems to be fairly common practice here. Who knows, it's possible there was an ice shortage or they're tired of washing glasses when they provide u with a straw.
Try a different Aijsen and see what the servers say.
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