Clothes to keep.

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Joined: Apr 05, 2010
Posts: 20
Review of JNBY

This Hangzhou clothing designer fills a void in the Chinese clothing scene with its mostly natural fabrics, tasteful colour palates (neutral, earthy tones interspersed with fun brights) and most importantly, its unique and inspired designs. They make the kind of clothes that on the hanger are sometimes unrecognisable in their function but once on, transform into flattering, stylish pieces of clothing. The prices are a bit higher than other chain stores but are worth it for quality clothes that you can wear year in year out. And if you qualify for their VIP membership card (free with purchases over a certain amount), you can get a 12% discount on all future purchases.
There’s now a store in the Village and many other locations but check out the branch in The Place for the largest selection and helpful sales assistants.