Carrefour cares for (almost) all of your needs

Joined: Jul 16, 2010
Posts: 16
Review of Carrefour

Carrefour, not Jenny Lou's, is the place to go for cheap groceries and household items. They do offer a selection of clothing, but I have can't say how the quality and prices are as I have not had a chance to experience this aspect of Carrefour. Local markets are okay for day to day food, but Carrefour stocks a larger variety of cheaper items as well as butter and cheese. Their are also frequent buy one get one deals that go on and as long as you figure out the Chinese characters, you will be in the know. Or you can always bring along a Chinese friend to read them for you.

Carrefour also stocks some imported items such as coffee (real coffee, not the fake nestle junk), foreign beers, dried pasta, and much more. The prices aren't too bad, and the coffee is about 10-20 RMB cheaper than what you can find at Jenny Lou's.