A very, very local, old-school shopping experience

Joined: Jan 12, 2006
Posts: 178
Review of

I agree with the poster below - this place has its assets and if you dig hard enough, you can find some things for very cheap. Scallops and certain seafood items here are a steal, if you trust the hygienic conditions. Kitchenware is also a good bargain - I bought a very nice Western-style chef's knife at the kitchenware wholesaler located next to the main meat and vegetable market building for a mere RMB 10.

Fruits and veggies selection is pretty decent - it's all relatively fresh, BUT

it all comes with a big caveat:

This place is pretty damn filthy. I'm fully aware that there are far filthier places in Beijing and all over China, but given its central CBD location and the amenities that have now sprung up around it, one should expect better conditions of cleanliness.

Of course this brings to light a whole host of food safety issues etc., which I can only speculate about, but suffice it to say I rarely shop here because of its general dinginess.

I think for non-perishable items and fruits and veggies (if you ignore all the scary news about pesticides etc.), it's okay, but I would definitely think twice about buying meat and yes, even those delicious looking scallops, here - especially as the weather warms up.

As for the rest of the market - there are small electronics, electric bikes and other knick-knacks for sale, but it's all pretty crappy and unless you're a real kitsch hound, I wouldn't bother.

A taxi driver just told us the other day the place is slated for demolition any way, it's going to be replaced by a park.