Easy to rag on, but honestly not so bad

Joined: Jan 12, 2006
Posts: 178
Review of Air China

Yeah, yeah, yeah - I know everyone loves to rag on Air China, and a lot of it for good reason, particularly when it comes to the execrable food and sardine-style seating in economy.

But, on the flipside, I've been flying Air China for a long, long time now, and they have never once lost my bag or screwed up my seating (I even got bumped up to business class once on a flight back from Hong Kong).

There was one unfortunate time when we were stuck on the runway with our 18-month-old for 7 hours due to bad weather and then an ensuing electrical problem - they definitely should have been more upfront with us and let us off the place - but of that's one out of dozens of relatively smooth flights I've had.

As for the service, with the exception of an overly touchy-feely male steward on a recent flight, Air China stewardesses are professional, courteous and efficient - especially when compared to the ornery rhinoceroses you'll find on many American domestic carriers.