What’s the Plan for Next Semester? Beijing’s Parents Have Spoken!
Saying that this is a strange time for everyone is an understatement by now. In the education industry, schools, students, parents, and after-school programs are scrambling to plan ahead while new COVID-19 cases are discovered daily, and tentative re-opening dates once again postponed. So during this time of uncertainty, what’s the plan for your child’s academic future?
We took an informal poll in expat groups of parents with school-aged children in Beijing to get a feel for how parents are reacting to the situation. The poll was conducted on WeChat via a personal account and distributed among a range of parenting and education groups. It had a total of 240 respondents (but if you missed out this time, don’t worry as we are conducting a second, more thorough follow-up poll that you can take part in).
The biggest take-away? Of those who participated, two out of three said that they intend to re-enroll their children in their current school despite COVID-19 uncertainties and concerns about whether their school will return to normal next semester.
More than one in ten – 11% to be exact – are undecided as to re-enrollment. Some parents – 8% of respondents – are unhappy about how their school has handled the coronavirus crisis and are looking to switch schools. Another 8% have decided to homeschool their children for the next semester. The final 7% replied with ‘Other’ which could indicate they are considering leaving China entirely.
The next couple of months will be a critical time for schools to consolidate their existing enrollments, and potentially woo other families who are actively seeking to change schools, with the start of the fall semester traditionally beginning around mid- to late-August.
How do you feel your child’s school has coped with COVID-19 restrictions? Share your thoughts by scanning the QR code below with your WeChat account to take the poll:
READ: Eleven WeChat Family-Friendly Groups for Beijingers
This article originally appeared on our sister site beijingkids.
Images: beijingkids, Unsplash
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Sikaote Submitted by Guest on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 15:46 Permalink
Re: What’s the Plan for Next Semester? Beijing’s Parents...
That only applies to LVPs.
I hope the parents are aware that (to my knowledge) at least one international school is having to scale back its enrollment numbers so even if they plan on enrolling in the same school there will be fewer teachers and consolidated classes. Some schools might not even be able to reopen in September if enough of their staff are still stuck outside of China. I know one school that had to lay off nearly 50% of staff.
Interesting. Most of the bigger schools did their academic year 2020-2021 hiring in January, prior to the outbreak. I wonder if job offers are being rescinded.
Wasn't there a news item in TBJ a few months back that the moratorium on inbound foreigners would continue till at least October?
Sikaote Submitted by Guest on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 15:45 Permalink
Re: What’s the Plan for Next Semester? Beijing’s Parents...
To be fair Gordon got what he deserved what with all his meddlin' and complain' and carryin' on. And such
I hope the parents are aware that (to my knowledge) at least one international school is having to scale back its enrollment numbers so even if they plan on enrolling in the same school there will be fewer teachers and consolidated classes. Some schools might not even be able to reopen in September if enough of their staff are still stuck outside of China. I know one school that had to lay off nearly 50% of staff.
Home school 'em. All the science anyone ever needs to know is right there in Genesis. You can knock that off in the morning and still have time to watch pro wrestling on satellite TV before lunch. Conundrum solved quicker than ol' Alexander cutting Gordon's snot.
WaqarOptimist Submitted by Guest on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 15:11 Permalink
Re: What’s the Plan for Next Semester? Beijing’s Parents...
I hope the parents are aware that (to my knowledge) at least one international school is having to scale back its enrollment numbers so even if they plan on enrolling in the same school there will be fewer teachers and consolidated classes. Some schools might not even be able to reopen in September if enough of their staff are still stuck outside of China. I know one school that had to lay off nearly 50% of staff.
Interesting. Most of the bigger schools did their academic year 2020-2021 hiring in January, prior to the outbreak. I wonder if job offers are being rescinded.
Wasn't there a news item in TBJ a few months back that the moratorium on inbound foreigners would continue till at least October?
admin Submitted by Guest on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 10:43 Permalink
Re: What’s the Plan for Next Semester? Beijing’s Parents...
I hope the parents are aware that (to my knowledge) at least one international school is having to scale back its enrollment numbers so even if they plan on enrolling in the same school there will be fewer teachers and consolidated classes. Some schools might not even be able to reopen in September if enough of their staff are still stuck outside of China. I know one school that had to lay off nearly 50% of staff.
Interesting. Most of the bigger schools did their academic year 2020-2021 hiring in January, prior to the outbreak. I wonder if job offers are being rescinded.
LysanderWrites Submitted by Guest on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 16:51 Permalink
Re: What’s the Plan for Next Semester? Beijing’s Parents...
I hope the parents are aware that (to my knowledge) at least one international school is having to scale back its enrollment numbers so even if they plan on enrolling in the same school there will be fewer teachers and consolidated classes. Some schools might not even be able to reopen in September if enough of their staff are still stuck outside of China. I know one school that had to lay off nearly 50% of staff.
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