Blog Tag - beijingkids

Chinese Cookbook: Sticky Chicken Wings, and Spinach and Peanut Salad
If you're cooking at home this week, why not try two simple Chinese dishes: sweet and spicy chicken wings and spinach and peanut salad? The wings...
Mandarin Monday: A Cheat Sheet for Ordering in Mandarin for Newbies
Some of us local Chinese and grizzled expat veterans of many a Mandarin class forget that a significant portion of the expat population recognizes...
Wok On With These English-Language Chinese Recipe Sites
Every new year that I spend in China, I always set myself the resolution of learning how to cook more Chinese dishes, but it can be tricky to find...
Join jingkids’ First Live Event for Expectant Moms at Bodhi Retreat!
We are always saying that jingkids is all about readers, and so it gives us great pleasure to announce our first live event for 2023 – a special get-...
嚯, 嚯, 嚯! How Santa Claus Came to China
You’d better not shout, you’d better not cry, you’d better not pout, I’m telling you why… Chinese Fortune Grandpa is coming to town! Wait – who? In...
Chinese Cookbook: Kung Pao Chicken
Here we are, standing before of one of China’s most loved and sought-after dishes: kung pao chicken (宫保鸡丁 gōng bǎo jī dīng). This sticky, sweet, and...
Mid-Autumn Festival: Top Places to Gaze at the Moon like a Local
We are all familiar with eating mooncakes as a way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. But what is less known, or often overlooked, are the...
“That’s Not Tomato & Egg, It’s a Shakshuka!” Closing the 7,000km Gap Between Chinese and Israeli Cuisine
Editor's note: While the author of this piece resides in Israel and has experienced the following foods there, we understand many of these foods have...
How To Register for Your Individual Income Tax Refund in China
Editor's note: Tax season is upon us! The time to file income taxes for all Beijing residents – Chinese and expats included – runs until Jun 30. The...
What Does it All Mean?: Dream Interpretation in China
When I was a kid, there were mornings when I'd wake up and was eager to tell my mom about the dreams I’d had. But she would say, “Don’t tell me about...
It Costs Nothing to be Kind to Your Delivery Person
In another life, I was a notorious over tipper. Even — or especially — when I had little money of my own to spare, I always added whatever I could to...
Prevent Beijing's Rampant Winter Static Shocks With These Simple Tips
They’re shocking and irritating: those static shocks that jolt our existence at this time of year. Just recently on a supermarket run, I had five non...
So Ayi Wants to Stay for CNY. Now What?
Ah, the Chinese New Year holiday… The week where business in China seems to come to a halt and the annual homeward bound migration takes place all...
How to Make Classic Mantou… With a Colorful Twist
Better known as Chinese steamed buns, mantou is a staple food in the Chinese diet. Originating from a folk tale over 2,000 years ago, mantou has...
Healthy Winter Eats: A Dutch Delicacy From Beijing
Stamppot (mash pot) is a traditional Dutch dish of potatoes and vegetables, mashed together as the name implies. The Dutch eat it with brown gravy,...