Prepare for May 1's Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban With These 5 Reusable Alternatives
Though we are still waiting for the nationwide plastic straw ban to be implemented, several related consumer-facing environmental regulations will be put in place from this May Day holiday. Those include new rules banning Beijing restaurants and delivery services from providing disposable utensils unless requested by the customer, as well as prohibiting the city’s hotels from providing single-use items in rooms, again, unless requested. Moreover, according to Beijing News, the holiday will be marked by a crackdown on vendors who flaunt the no-free plastic bag rule.
That means this is a great time to finally get your reusable-shopping-bag game together. Without further ado, here’s your handy guide to reusable handles:
Jute bags - 黄麻袋
If you’re looking for a totally plastic-free, biodegradable bag that won’t clog up the city dumps even if you eventually throw it away, then jute is the way to go.
Unfortunately, jute bags are less commonly found than more plasticky alternatives. You might find one if you venture all the way out to Ikea, otherwise you might have to order one online, which means the packaging might undo your environmental karma. If you’re set on jute, though, try searching Taobao for 黄麻袋.
Plastic Travel Bags - 编织袋
Large plastic totes, popular in China for moving or traveling, can be found in nearly any grocery store. Of course, the production of these bags is not exactly eco-friendly, but using them is preferable to asking for a plastic bag at the counter. Find these bags on Taobao by searching 编织袋.
Canvas totes - 帆布购物袋子
Unfortunately, canvas bags usually contain some plastic as well. Understandably, however, readers with a fashion sense will prefer this style to the gaudy, offensive patterns often found on the plastic totes. Find canvas totes at local venues such as The Daily Bagel or at large chain stores like Miniso or Subway. Find totes on Taobao by searching 帆布购物袋子.
Reusable mesh produce bags - 可重复利用食物透气网袋
The crackdown may help to reduce some disposable bag use, but the rules do not yet apply to plastic bags used for fresh produce. That means that reusable produce bags are a must-have if you want to completely cut out disposables from your shopping practices.
Simply search Taobao for 可重复利用食物透气网袋 or “reusable mesh produce bags” to find these see-through, washable bags.
Make your own bag
Sewing a bag of your own would be one of the simpler projects for a new seamstress, but for those with no interest in buying needles, thread, and cloth, there is another way.
It is possible to make your own reusable bag out of nothing more than an old T-shirt! No sewing is required, and all you need is a pair of scissors.
You can find a full tutorial on Mommypotomus, but the essential steps are as follows:
- Cut off the sleeves of the shirt.
- Cut out the neckline to form the handles.
- Cut a fray in the bottom of the shirt, about half an inch to one inch apart.
- Tie the frays together to form the bottom of the bag, and you’re done!
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Images: Evie Calder (via Unsplash) Amazon, Taobao, Youtube
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Submitted by Guest on Sun, 05/03/2020 - 04:03 Permalink
Re: Prepare for May 1's Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban With These...
Oh, I was watching 'We Bare Beers' cartoons along with my kids this morning. And in that episode, these three cute creatures were obsessed with collecting recyclable bags. I really enjoyed and liked the message they were tyring to convey.. Like, be planet-friendly!
Putting a band aid on a traumatically amputated leg scarcely rises to the level of good intentions even.
One thing that would help is maybe putting trash cans on streets on every corner. Not just main streets. I don't mind picking up an errant plastic bag or plastic bottle off the sidewalk, but give me a place to deposit those things. K? Thx.
Also my apartment building put those enormous recycling bins outside the main doors but I rarely see anyone use them other than the bar across the street who deposits many beer, wine, and alcohol bottles in them right around 0330 hours.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 05/02/2020 - 15:51 Permalink
Re: Prepare for May 1's Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban With These...
Oh, I was watching 'We Bare Beers' cartoons along with my kids this morning. And in that episode, these three cute creatures were obsessed with collecting recyclable bags. I really enjoyed and liked the message they were tyring to convey.. Like, be planet-friendly!
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 05/02/2020 - 12:48 Permalink
Re: With the May 1 Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban, Here Are Some...
Do your folk a favor and tie the plastic bag over your head.
Anyone who needs advice about what to use as a reusable shopping bag is not bright enough to be permitted to wander outside their home alone and unsupervised. I know being "challenged" is chic in these times, but c'mon, a guyx not bright enough to pour pee out of a boot should not try wearing a pair. Do your folk a favor and tie the plastic bag over your head.
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