TaoBrowser: Patch Up Those Holes, Cracks, and Dents

Where can you buy that? You already know the answer: Taobao. But navigating China’s biggest ecommerce platform can be a nightmare for foreigners, so we’re helping out by rounding up useful stores to browse in our column, TaoBrowser.

Do you dream of a luxurious bed covered with satin sheets, where the morning sunlight peeks between French doors as a floral whisper wafts in from the balcony garden? Is your reality more akin to four cracked walls, peeling plaster, and the smell of your neighbor's stale ashtray? Well, you're not alone. Luckily, however, you don't have to be an RMBillionaire to do something about those cringe-inducing scuff marks and paint chips.

Combining the traditional Chinese philosophy, 眼不见为净 yǎn bùjiàn wéi jìng “As long as I don’t see it, the problem doesn’t exist,” with that newer Chinese philosophy, capitalism, a number of online retailers have popped up over the years, eager to offer a quick fix without breaking the bank or requiring an entire housing makeover. 

Where there's a will, there's a Taobao search term

More than just a cute name for a dog or a cartoon pirate, patches are the end-all to be all for fixing any number of problems. In fact, there are nearly 300,000 results when searching ”贴花“ on Taobao, meaning there's a veritable wonderland of this fun and endlessly versatile product. 

But as any e-commerce expert will tell you, browsing Taobao stores is much more effective than the platform's general search function, thus we've rounded up a number of stores to help you find the perfect patch for just about any occasion.

Taobao Fashionista? Patch it!

Varying in size, material, and design, these sticky prints can turn plain rags into your very own line of haute-couture, not to mention saving your favorite garments once time has worn a hole clear through them. Whether it's cotton, denim, or polyester, you can apply these cutie-patooties to the surface of any commonly used fabrics. For beginners, prints that can be ironed on are probably the best choice, as they only take a few seconds to apply.  Browse the archive here, or if you fancy yourself the next Anna Wintour, you can order a custom design.

Conversely, if sewing is within your wheelhouse, then even more options open up, as many of the unique 3D patterns and those with special textures require a little needle and thread work. Check out Fastco for more information and to start patching up your wardrobe today.

Decorating on a budget? Patch it!

Welcome to the 'Alice in the Wall print Land'

Once upon a time, walls in Chinese apartments were universally white. Parents will tell you that the neutral paint illuminates the room and even makes it look relatively larger. Over the past couple of decades, however, many apartments in China have – for whatever reason – been plastered with horrendously tacky stickers. Rather than spending hours peeling these off and painting over the scars, a simpler solution is to find some classier patchwork to cover them up, along with any other holes and nicks in the walls.

Both Tayun and Xuewei have plenty of wall prints to choose from, many of which are comprised of several pieces, allowing you to either create an entire scene or just cover up a small problem. Besides the traditional wall prints, they also offer more functional options, such as the water and greaseproof prints for the kitchen or glowing stickers to mark your light switches at night. 

Aspiring tattoo artist? Patch it!

Tattoo doesn't always have to mean rebellious, it is also a way to honor the traditional culture

Temporary tattoos ain't just for the kiddies anymore. Whether you're looking to try out a simple tattoo before pulling the trigger on a lifetime commitment or looking to accessorize for a special occasion, temporary tattoos abound on Taobao. Besides the stickers, you can also, quite literally, get your creative juices flowing with plant-based pigment ink. These tattoos stay on the skin for roughly ten days depending on the strength of your showering products. If you think your hand is steady enough, then a store like Kuwentianxia might be your new playground, with innumerable patches for just a handful of RMB, plus the various products you'll need to turn your body into a canvas. 

Read: TaoBrowser: Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume on Taobao

Images: Taobao, Imgflip, Know your meme