Expats prefer giving birth in private hospitals for a few reasons. More privacy, a nicer environment, English services, better care, and more support.
What can you do to minimize any hassles in the process? If you want an insurance plan to cover expenses, here's some advice:
1. Start to plan at least half a year in advance, as a 180-day waiting period applies to most insurance products.
2. Save enough money to pay for the premium for 2 years. References are:
25-29 yo, 37k each year
30-34 yo, 38k each year
35-39 yo, 40k each year
Of course, with this money you could consider buying a package from a private hospital. But I would advise getting medical insurance with maternity cover. Let’s do the math:
Generally speaking, private hospitals offer 3 types of packages:
pre-natal checkups: 15-20k
normal delivery:40-60k
C-section: 60k-80k
anaesthesia for painless labor: extra 10k
If everything goes well, the total cost for a pregnancy checkup package and natural delivery package may be a bit less than the premium, say about 65k. But don’t forget that there are always some extra expenses. They could be divided into 2 categories:
1. Some medical items used in the labor process, post natal followup visits, 7 types of newborn vaccines given before 1 year old (14 shots in total), 3 sessions of physical checkups for newborns, etc. They add up to another 10k. Till here, the actual maternity cost is already pretty much equal to premium for 2 years.
2. Unpredictable risks:
Further exams are required in the event of any abnormal checkup results.
Expectant mother has difficulties during a natural delivery and therefore C-section is required. You know how frequently it happens. An additional 15-20k is required for an upgraded package.
Complications are not rare either, both during the pregnancy and/or in labor. Insurance fully covers this (not subject to maternity benefits). Understanding a stand-alone maternity risk product may cost up to 14k, investing in insurance is a much wiser decision than buying a maternity package.
Medical conditions at birth for newborns may cause enormous financial pressure. Premature congenital conditions, underweight, etc. Insurance could cover the medical expenses without the need to copay or limit. In addition, the newborn could be enrolled under the medical plan without going through underwriting which may cause rejection or exclusion in some cases. That means, if the medical condition requires further treatments, your insurance company will pay the bills.
Usually a maternity package only includes a 2-night stay in the hospital. In the case of an extended stay, you will have to pay it from your own pocket!
In a nutshell, an insurance policy could cover both the planned and the unpredictable, without the worry of any additional hospital expenses - so insurance is a good plan to consider.
Contact me today and let me find the best solution for you.
WeChat: gongxifacai2112
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