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Treat Yourself for Singles' Day: Some of the Best and Most Delicious Deals Happening on 11-11
Being single is not shameful. In fact, China celebrates its lonelyhearts with a whole day (11-11) dedicated to us. And what is the ultimate form of...
Calm After the Storm: Singles Day Discoveries and International Brands on Tmall
Not being possessed of the wherewithal to stay up until midnight just to shop online, my Singles Day shopping was not as successful as I would have...
Sort Out Your Online Payment Options Ahead of Singles Day Sales
Let's put this in perspective: if you're from the US and have experienced "Black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving in late November that is seen as...
Eleven Singles’ Day Deals You Shouldn’t Miss
Tuesday is Singles' Day in China, less a celebration of freedom from relationships than a consumer bonanza tacked to the day wtih the most ones in...
Nifty English Guides On How To Buy from JD, Taobao, and Tmall
Stopping just short of holding your hand and buying all those things you've ever wanted, like that self-operated colonoscopy machine ... ... and/or...