Blog Tag - Mindfulness

G.I.F.T.: Cultivating Mindfulness Through Nature and Photography
In a world that often moves too fast, sometimes it’s good to just take a step back and appreciate the moment. This is exactly what Growth Inspiration...
Sweat For A Life Encourages You to Exercise for a Good Cause This Sunday, Jul 16
Prepare to get your sweat on for a good cause this weekend at Sweat For A Life! The event, hosted by ActivForever and Well-Being Lab gets Beijing's...
Join Beijing’s First Ever Wellness Festival This Saturday (Jun 3)
After the past few tumultuous years in the capital, it has been encouraging to see an emerging wellness community forming here, along with more...
These Wellness Activities Will Get You on the Good Foot Over the Holiday
With travel back on for the CNY holiday, it’s looking like things are back to the days of Beijing emptying out for the holidays. Nothing like a bit...
Think the Shame Away: Discovering the Art of Mindful Eating
Many (dare I say most) of us are seeking to improve our relationship with food. Be it for the sake of weight loss, healthier habits, or a desire to...
Mindful in Beijing: Getting to Know the Community of ComeUnity
Mindfulness is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as “the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of...
Becoming a Better Self: Experiencing a 31 Day Comfort Zone Challenge, Part 2
31 Day Comfort Zone Challenge is a weekly look at a project embarked upon by Shaanxi-born illustrator Jacqueline Liu as a way to try new things and...
Becoming a Better Self: Experiencing the 31 Day Comfort Zone Challenge
31 Day Comfort Zone Challenge is a weekly look at a project embarked upon by Shaanxi born illustrator Jacqueline Liu as a way to try new things, and...
Mindfulness Expert See Healthy Growth and Demand for Training in China's Capital
At first glance, this year could be viewed in many ways as unexceptional, yet the first thing that struck us from conducting these interviews for The...
Mindfulness in Beijing: Teaching How to Tackle Pain Through Meditation and Self Awareness
Settling into a group meditation class at the Beixinqiao-adjacent Beijing Mindfulness Centre (BMC) – think sitting on the floor, dimmed lights,...
Events Watch: Beijing's Best Weekday Events That Won't Leave You Hungover, Oct 24-28
Our Events Watch series aims to highlight events that aren't focused on alcohol and drinking, but instead take a more educational or productive...