Blog Tag - how-to guide
Nope, your poops aren't suddenly way smellier when you're living in China (well actually, maybe they are). And it's not just you: Bathrooms often do...
Beijing's recent rule changes for non-standard electric scooters have left many wondering: What am I supposed to do with my old ride?
Turns out,...
This post comes courtesy of UnTour Food Tours, who have been taking guests off the beaten path to eat shoulder-to-shoulder with locals since 2010....
According to China’s Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook, more than 9 million women had abortions in 2017, and compared to many Western...
Responding effectively to crises is an intimidating process in any country, let alone for a Beijing newcomer who doesn’t speak Mandarin. Recent...
If you're anything like us, finding the perfect venue for your birthday/wedding/Brony convention can be a seemingly neverending trawl of...
Besides ordering water and toilet paper, setting up Wi-Fi is often the most pressing thing on any new tenant's mind. If the ins and outs of Wi-Fi set...
Seeing as how international travel is ostensibly off the table for expats this summer, it's the perfect time to ride the rails around this massive...
While Beijing's public transit system allows residents to get by handily without a car, those who do commute by driving may have noticed that...
Mandarin Monday is a weekly column where we help you improve your Chinese by detailing learning tips, fun and practical phrases, and trends.
If your level of spoken Chinese is low, responding to phone calls can be a pretty stressful experience. And while a simple “Wei nihao. Hao de” will...
Navigating the rental market in any big city can be a daunting task. As a foreigner, finding an apartment in Beijing compounds those difficulties...
On May 1, Beijing officially began rolling out its long-awaited recycling plan, with a steady influx of recycling bins popping up around housing...
For the uninitiated, navigating the bureaucratic systems in China carries a certain degree of challenge. Differences in language and legal system...
With the coronavirus lockdown looking to run deep into February, you’re likely to start running out of essentials at home. Face masks have become...
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