Blog Tag - The Guardian

The Guardian's Tania Branigan Makes Beijing's 88 Km Commute
UK newspaper The Guardian's longtime China correspondent Tania Branigan has written what might be the most comprehensive article ever about the...
Food Scandals Exploding Throughout China
Food scandals are so common in China that they no longer offer shock or surprise to anyone that’s been here for any length of time. To wake everyone...
Journalists Back from Japan: Meet Them at the Bookworm
When an 8.9-magnitude earthquake sent a tsunami washing over Japan on March 11, several Beijing-based foreign correspondents headed off to cover...
Beijing's Traffic Madness Set to Worsen
Back in July we reported that Beijing had scored the world’s highest rating on the “Commuter Pain Index,” with traffic five times worse than Los...
UK Sitcom "The Office" Coming to China
Early this decade British sitcom The Office hilariously dissected the inanities of office politics and garnered millions of fans around the globe....
Screen Time: Chollywood Takes on the World & Edwin Maher on the Big Screen
“A vibrant film industry capable of competing with the best Hollywood can produce” – that’s the image being pushed on a new English-language site (...
Pantless in Guangdong - Commuters Strip for the Environment
An amusing piece of silliness from down south was reported in the Guardian this morning. According to the article: “A group of environmental...