Blog Tag - Family Life

A Brotherhood for Husbands and Fathers in Beijing
We talk a lot about women’s mental health resources. And that’s a good thing, especially after so many generations of stigmatizing and marginalizing...
Meet the New Staff of Our Sister Publication beijingkids
Rebirth and change come every spring, and this year our sister publication beijingkids is blooming with new staff. We've said "see you around" to...
Beckoned to Beijing: Backpacker, T-Shirt Plasterer, Father of Four, and Creative Guru
Dominic Johnson-Hill is our star attraction in today's "Beckoned to Beijing” series. The British creative clothing designer, entrepreneur, and TV...
Get Schooled: Learn It All At The School Choice Fair
Once upon a time, you were a China virgin. You were ready to spend a year, maybe two, exploring the Middle Kingdom. Somehow, you were ensnared by...
Coming Soon: Jing Magazine - Here's a Sneak Peek
We interrupt our regular blog-stream for a short, but important, plug: It's been a long time coming and we are finally in the home stretch and...